Hi, I'm Carlos 👋
- 👨🎓 I'm a theoretical physicist who enjoys programming and contributing to open-source projects
- 👨💻 I work as software engineer and team lead at @Meteologica, developing and improving Meteologica's infrastructure and forecast algorithms
- 🚀 I actively maintain my docker project docker-salt-master up-to-date with every new release of saltstack/salt
- ⌨️ Some open-source projects I've contributed to are: @saltstack, @Homebrew or sameersbn/docker-gitlab
- 🌱 I'm currently learning:
- Machine Learning: master thesis and notebooks
- Swift programming language: hacking with Swift
- Ruby programming language: notebooks, advent of code 2023
- 🎽 I love all kind of sports, but especially calisthenics and running
- 🎮 Beginner Fortnite player