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Lite Rust version of supervisor, inspired by python version


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supervisor-rs used to be a manager of handle application running. supervisor-rs can start/restart/stop processing.


  • Start different processing depend on particular yaml file when startup
  • Start processing when have new config in load path
  • Startup with particular server config
  • Restart processing
  • Stop processing


  1. server/client mode
  2. server start -> load config files from loadpaths (if it is not quiet mode) -> do job
  3. start/stop/restart/tryrestart special processing (client side)

Config yaml files format:

Example of server.yaml:

# server side config
  - /tmp/client/
  - /tmp/second/path
mode: "half"
  - child1
  - child2
encrypt: on
  - vault1
  - vault2

#ipv6: true
Fields Usage
loadpaths List of paths of all children config files.
mode Startup mode. Values can be "quiet", "half", or "full"
startup When the mode is "half", children in this list will start
encrypt Encrypt mode. Values can be "on" or "off"
pub_keys_path When encrypt is "on", this field including the list of paths of public keys
listener_addr Address of server side is listening
ipv6 Only used when listener_addr isn't given. Values can be true or false. supervisor-rs server side will listen "::" instead of "" when this field is true

Example of child's config yaml:

#each child config in loadpath of server config
command: /tmp/test
  - stdout: aaaaaa
    mode: create

  - stderr: nnnnn
    mode: append

  action: restart
  seconds: 5

  - prehook: start child
  - posthook: start child


You can download compiled binary file directly.

You can install from, run cargo install supervisor-rs.

Server Side

Run supervisor-rs-server /tmp/server.yml in shell, you can change server config yaml file to wherever you want. If no config path given, supervisor will going to find server.yml in /tmp.

After server application start, if mode is full, then all application yaml files under loadpath of server config will be ran by application. So, that means every yaml files in there should be legal application config file, or server cannot start.

Server side's default mode is quiet, means server will record loadphths, but won't start children automatically.

Each sub-processing is named with filename of yaml file. If have multi-loadpath, make sure no yaml files have same name.

Change server's config while runtime

After server start, config path is strict but the content of config is negotiable. It means you can change what config is, but you cannot change where is it.

For example, you just want to add a new loadpaths to server. You can easily change loadpaths in server's config. However, server does not make it change immediately because no necessary.

Then you put a child config inside the loadpath you just add, then let it start (Go to Client Side for usage). Server will re-read configuration and start it. Every children run in the same path (current path of children processing) that the config located in.

Technically, server only keep configuration path, and read it again when server need to operate children or find key files.

Command demo:

run server with special config file: supervisor-rs-server ./test/server.yml

Client Side

Operate child processing:

supervisor-rs-client restart child0 on localhost will restart processing child0 on localhost;

supervisor-rs-client restart child0 on will restart processing child0 on, I assume you running server side application on this host;

supervisor-rs-client restart child0 on "," will restart processing child0 on and, I assume you running server side application on these hosts;

After version 0.6 command upper equal with supervisor-rs-client restart child0 on on

child name is not have to given for check/kill/info commands.


command behavior
restart restart child on server. this child has to be running (server application). Otherwise, use start instead
start start new child. This command can start one-time command, or new config just put in loadpath(s). And, start does not care what's happen in child itself. If it start and panic immediately, supervisor will return success message anyway. Use check command to check if it runs or not.
stop stop running child. Have to supply child name. If want to stop all children, use stop all
check return summary of all children who are running. If children are not running, no matter what reason, they will be cleaned from kindergarden's table.
trystart special command for CI/CD to start child processings. restart only works when child is running; start only works when child is not running. trystart will run child processing anyway, if it is running, restart; if it is not running, start it.
kill kill will terminate server and return last words from server
info get general information of server self

Use key pairs authenticate clients

When server side encrypt mode is on, server side will check if data received can decrypt by public keys in pub_keys_path


Server side configuration:

  - /tmp/client/
  - /tmp/second/path
encrypt: "on"
  - /tmp/pub_keys/
  - /tmp/pub_keys2/

When server start with encrypt: "on" (only support lowercase), server side will pick key's name out from command received from client and find same filename public key (only support .pem file) in the pub_keys_path. As same as children names, key's name also equal the key file's name. So, make sure there ain't any key files have same names.

Client side command

On client side, just run supervisor-rs-client restart child0 on on with /path/to/key/keyname1.pem.

Then supervisor will go find key file has named keyname1. As flexible as you can change child config after supervisor start, you can also put public key files in pub_keys_path while supervisor is running.

CAUTION: you can only has one with /bla/bla/key.pem in each command.

Make keypairs

Step 1: Make private key openssl genrsa -out private.pem 4096

Remember: key size should less or equal 4096

Step 2: Make public key openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

Then, put public key in one of server's pub_keys_path. Every commands you send to server side should has with /path/to/private.pem.


You cannot change encrypt mode when supervisor-rs running. But you can modify pub_keys_path.

Startup-with feature

If server's config mode is half, server will try to startup all children in startup list when it starts.


#server side config
  - /tmp/client/
  - /tmp/second/path
mode: "half"
  - child1
  - child2
  - child3

server will try to start child1, child2, and child3 when it startup


Q: if child3 not exist?

A: server will going to find children in startup, if some of them not exist in loadpaths, server will skip them.

Q: what if I forget write mode to half?

A: server default mode is quiet, and startup list only used in half mode, otherwise, startup won't effect anything.

Repeat feature

if config of child has repeat field:

#file name (child name) is demo.yml
command: /tmp/test
  - stdout: aaaaaa
    mode: create

  - stderr: nnnnn
    mode: append
  action: restart
  seconds: 5 #only support seconds now

then, when you start it, supervisor-rs will give a timer stand by and send back command when time is up. For example, config above will run restart demo every 5 seconds.

action's values are command we using in supervisor-rs-client, so you even can stop child with repeat field. But so, supervisor-rs won't create a timer stand by.

Only start, restart, and trystart will let supervisor-rs create a timer, if repeat field exists.

If action is empty, supervisor-rs will give restart be default value. However, seconds has to have value, and it cannot be 0.

How to stop repeat

As I said above, timer be created right after child runs. So you cannot stop "next" action, but if you change child's config, like delete repeat field, then "next" action won't create a timer.

This is because all start, restart and trystart will reload config of child before it does its job.

So, what will supervisor do if child has stopped, or restart manually before timer finish its waiting and send command to supervisor again, timer isn't outdated? Timer will check if child has same processing id as when it created timer. If this check passed, timer will do its job as normal, else, timer won't do anything because child current is not child before.

Hooks feature

Each child can have two hooks, one prehook, one posthook. prehook command will run before main child start/restart. posthook will run after child stop.

If prehooks command child has anther prehook, means there is a prehooks chain, they will run one by one, and they cannot have hooks circle.


command: sleep 10
  - prehook: start child
  - posthook: start child

Custom Listener address & IPV6 support

If you want to use specifically listener IP address instead of (default listener address), you can easily put listener_addr field in your server side config yaml file.


#server side config
  - /tmp/client/
  - /tmp/second/path

listener_addr: "" # only listen local

If you want use IPV6 instead of IPV4, you can just change listener_addr to IPV6 address you want. Or just turn ipv6 field to true.


#server side config
  - /tmp/client/
  - /tmp/second/path

listener_addr: "::1" # only listen local ipv6

ipv6 field only used when there is no listener_addr given, or supervisor-rs server side will ignore ipv6. If there is no listener_addr given, and ipv6 is true, supervisor-rs will start with listen ipv6 address ::.

SSH-agent tunnel feature

Defaultly, supervisor-rs-server listens that means all servers those can reach supervisor-rs-server's host can send command to supervisor-rs-server. Then we have key-pair feature for encrypting/authorization of client's identity.

If we are in inter-network, listen or specific ip addresses doesn't that matter. Firewall and router table can do the job for us. Beside, key-pair can make sure only some people can send supervisor-rs-server.

However. if we deploy in some cloud services, our server open to the weird world. We may don't trust outside, and still want to ssh login host server and do our jobs. This is the reason that why this feature come.

How to

Server Side:

Don't need any additional configs for turn on this feature. For me, I just set listener_addr to for making sure all outside computer cannot talk to supervisor-rs-server.

Also, make sure supervisor-rs-client in your server's PATH. If you install supervisor-rs by cargo install supervisor-rs, I guess you already have it.

Client Side:

Assume our supervisor-rs-server hosted on And we can ssh login that server with ssh -i ~/.ssh/key [email protected]


  1. Tell ssh in your computer that use key ~/.ssh/key (by change ~/.ssh/config). So you can ssh login without give which key you need to use, like ssh [email protected]
  2. ssh-add ~/.ssh/key for adding key in ssh-agent.

After these, you can run supervisor-rs-client check on ssh://[email protected]. Every usages are same, you just need to change host (ip address) field to ssh://{username}@{hostip}.

What if accident happens

  • if supervisor-rs be killed by kill, children won't stop, they will be taken by system.
  • if supervisor-rs panic, children won't stop.

Go to log to find more information if supervisor-rs-server have problem

Cross compiling

brew tap filosottile/musl-cross && brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross

after install musl-cross, which x86_64-linux-musl-gcc will give a result, like /usr/local/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc.

give configuration in ~/.cargo/config

linker = "x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"

then, env CC_x86_64_unknown_linux_musl=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release, there is no errors in my local machine.

Systemd integration

This is the example of supervisor.service


ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/.cargo/bin/supervisor-rs-server /home/ubuntu/supervisor/server.yml
