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RLeaguez - Not your leaguez; not my leaguez; R Leaguez!

A sports leagues & scheduling app built with modern web technologies.

Build License Next.js Turbo

🚀 Table of Contents

🛠 Tech Stack

Technology Purpose
Frontend Next.js (React)
Database PostgreSQL + Prisma
Styling Tailwind CSS v4
State Mgmt Zustand
Auth NextAuth.js
Forms React Hook Form + Zod
UI Library Radix UI
Payments Stripe
Logging Logtail
Hosting (App) + Neon (DB)
Type Checking TypeScript (heavily utilized, defined all types and interfaces)
Linting ESLint (code analysis)
Formatting Prettier (opinionated code formatting)
Testing Jest
Date Handling Day.js (lightweight and open source)
Email Nodemailer
Icons lucide-react, react-icons
Table Component Tanstack Table

📂 Monorepo Structure

  ├── backend/    # Nest.js API
  ├── database/   # Prisma database setup
  ├── frontend/   # Next.js app
  ├── eslint-config/  # Shared ESLint rules
  ├── shared/         # Shared types & utilities
  ├── utils/          # Common helper functions

We use TurboRepo for task management and caching in the monorepo.

🛠 Installation & Setup

1️⃣ Clone the Repo

git clone
cd rleaguez

2️⃣ Install Dependencies

yarn install

3️⃣ Generate Prisma Client

yarn prisma:generate

4️⃣ Run the Development Server

yarn dev

⚡ Using TurboRepo

We leverage TurboRepo for efficient monorepo management. Some key commands:

  • Run everything in parallel:
    yarn turbo run dev
  • Build all apps:
    yarn turbo run build --filter=apps/*
  • Lint all packages:
    yarn turbo run lint

🚀 Deployment

Deploying the Backend to

fly deploy --config apps/backend/fly.toml --dockerfile apps/backend/Dockerfile --build-secret DATABASE_URL=your-secret-url

Running Prisma Migrations

npx prisma migrate deploy

Running Prisma Seed

npx prisma db seed

📌 Version History

Date Version Changes
03-04-2025 v1.3.30 resolved social images
03-02-2025 v1.3.30 Migrated to monorepo, upgraded Tailwind v4
02-20-2025 v1.3.29 Improved mobile UI, updated role management
02-09-2025 v1.3.28 Authentication fixes, Facebook login updates
02-04-2025 v1.3.27 UI/UX improvements, consistent components

Full changelog available in

🖼 Screenshots & Demo

App Screenshot

Check out a live demo:

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
  3. Make your changes and commit (git commit -m 'Add new feature')
  4. Push (git push origin feature-branch)
  5. Open a Pull Request

💡 Built with ❤️ by Chris Catto and the community.

A fun project build by Chris Catto for sports leaguez & schedulez

Rz Footer
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