pip3 install flask-simple-csrf
or if installing from source
python3 setup.py install
This package is intended to assign a unique CSRF string per each form submit per user session, without requiring any backend session tracking. First, you'll want to set a variable SECRET_CSRF_KEY
in your app config to a random, complex string. Example: SECRET_CSRF_KEY = 'wMmeltW4mhwidorQRli6Oxx9VPXldz'
Second, you probably want to add somthing like this to the top of your code:
from flask_simple_csrf import CSRF
#app.config should have an attribute that looks something like this
# 'SECRET_CSRF_KEY': 'changeme-40-50-characters-long',
CSRF = CSRF(config=config.CSRF_CONFIG)
app = CSRF.init_app(app)
def before_request():
if 'CSRF_TOKEN' not in session or 'USER_CSRF' not in session:
session['USER_CSRF'] = random_string(64)
session['CSRF_TOKEN'] = CSRF.create(session['USER_CSRF'])
Each user session should have a unique CSRF string which changes on form submit.
In the HTML templates you want to protect, add: {{ csrf_html(session['USER_CSRF'])|safe }}
This will create something like this: <input type="hidden" value="9D..." name="simplecsrf">
I'd reccommend creating a wrapper to avoid code duplciation when checking for this value. Something like:
def require_csrf(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
if request.method == 'POST':
user_csrf = request.form.get('simplecsrf')
if CSRF.verify(user_csrf, session['CSRF_TOKEN']) is False:
flash('submitted csrf does not match combined server & user keys')
return logout()
flash('csrf user token and server token match', 'success')
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
Then use the @require_csrf decorator before each flask view you'd like to require the check.