If it's important, version it!
Use GNU Stow to install symlinks for a particular program, e.g. to install symlinks for =/.emacs= and =/init.org= (the files in emacs):
cd Config
stow -t ~ emacs
Contains my pinched-favourite-bits-from-Spacemacs literate init file.
Copy syslog.el
manually to ~/.emacs.d
I used to use Vim extensively, managing plugins with vundle.
- .vimrc
- slime.vim - from Jonathon Palardy https://github.com/jpalardy/vim-slime
I developed some CTags defs for TypeScript so that I could work more effectively with it in Vim.
Minor quality-of-life improvements for GHCi.
Rather old, use with caution.
- .bashrc - Arch
- .bash_profile - OSX
This config but adapted to openSUSE Tumbleweed.
stow -t ~/.config/autostart-scripts autostart-scripts
GPL3 for my stuff, slime.vim which is copied here, is MIT and syslog-mode is GPL2.