BeatsAhoy allows its users to create an account and login to create a specialized playlist based off the following attributes. (Current Mood, Time of Day, Energy Level, Spontaneous level). These attributes are placed on a scale from 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. The following attributes are asked in a quiz like format. The results are then saved on the users profile along with a link to the playlist generated on the Spotify platform. The users can see all of the recently created playlists as well as their created playlists on the dashboard page.
As a [user] I will be able to generate playlists as well as view other playlists generated by other users.
create schema P2_BeatsAhoy;
create table Users ( username varchar(25) primary key, fname varchar(20) not null, lname varchar(20) not NULL, "password" varchar(20) not null )
create table genres ( username varchar(25) not null, genres varchar(25) not null )
create table questions( questions varchar(100) not null, answers varchar(50) not null )
create table user_playlists( username varchar(20), playlist varchar(50) )
create table friend_list( username varchar(20), friend_username varchar(20) )
Application must leverage the full stack:
- Azure SQL for persistence
- API built with Java 8 and Spring 5
- UI built with React
- Java API will leverage the Spring Framework
- Java API will use Spring Data JPA to communicate with the DB
- Java API will be RESTful
- Java API will be unit tested using JUnit and Mockito, with coverage reports generated using Jacoco
- Complete CI/CD pipelines will use Azure DevOps
- Application will demonstrate at least ten individual user stories
- Application's own data model must be sufficiently complex (i.e. >2 tables)
- SQL DB will be deployed to the cloud
- Java API will be deployed to the cloud (Azure DevOps)
- UI application will be deployed to the cloud (Azure Static Website on Azure Storage)
- Java API will have >=80% test (line) coverage for service layer with validations (Used EclEmma or JaCoCo plugin to generate these reports)
- Java API will leverage Spring's MockMvc for integration/e2e tests of controller endpoints
- Java API will be adequately documented (Java Docs and web endpoint documentation [Swagger/OpenAPI])
- At least one external API must be leveraged