The WebPageTest Teams bot lets you run tests against WebPageTest from within Teams. Once the tests are complete, a copy of the waterfall and a link to the full results will be posted in your Bot channel. How cool is that?
- Run WebPageTest from within Teams, and get the results posted back automatically.
- Full access to WebPageTest's 30+ test locations.
- NodeJS
- An M365 account. If you do not have M365 account, apply one from M365 developer program
- Teams Toolkit Visual Studio Code Extension version after 1.55 or TeamsFx CLI
Clone this repo
git clone
Open VScode and search for Teams toolkit and click install
Go to teamsFX icon on the left sidebar > Click open project & locate webpagetest-teams-bot
Now that the setup is complete, all you have to do is fire up the bot. To do so, press
or manually run debug by selectingDebug (Edge)
Teams will now install required dependencies (It will take a minute or two). And within this process it will ask for ngrox setup & ssl config, Click allow & install in all the popups. Teams will also ask to login into M365 if you don't have one use this link to register.
Then a seprate debug edge window will open with teams online, Login then a popup to add the bot will appear click on
Now, All you have to do is fire up some tests.
- welcome
- runtest
- updatekey