Catalyst operational tasks not related to coding.
Data analysis tasks that involve actually using PUDL to figure things out, like calculating MCOE.
Distributing or working with PUDL data using Google BigQuery
Business development and outreach to users & stakeholders.
Things that are just plain broken.
Tasks related to CCAI grant for entity matching
Issues related to the Census DP1 dataset which we distribute as an SQLite DB
Scripts and other command line interfaces to PUDL.
Stuff that has to do with adapting PUDL to work in cloud computing context.
Issues related to working with / extracting data from CSV files
Issues related to our use of the Dagster orchestrator
Tasks related to cleaning & regularizing data during ETL.
data that we expect should exist seem to be missing or dropped in pudl tables
Interpolating or extrapolating data that we don't actually have.
Dtype conversions, standardization and implications of data types
When fresh data is integrated into PUDL from quarterly or annual updates
Issues related to checking whether data meets our quality expectations.
Issues related to visualizing data
Frictionless data package input, output, metadata, manipulation
Issues related the accessing PUDL data via Datasette.
Managing the acquisition and organization of external raw data.
Data coming from FERC's old Visual FoxPro DBF database file format.
Issues related to the data build tool aka dbt
Pull requests that update a dependency file
A discussion about design issues and other project decisions.
Documentation for users and contributors.
Issues referring to duckdb, the embedded OLAP database
Issues related to Greg Miller's hourly eGRID project