Command line interface to manage API resources, clients and identity resources of your Identity Server 4 instance.
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This package is available on NuGet. For installation run:
dotnet tool install --global IdentityServerCli
First of all, you need to set the environment variable named IS4_CONNECTION_STRING
of your running shell or operational system with the connection string of your Identity Server 4 instance.
export IS4_CONNECTION_STRING="Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;
After that, you can run:
is4 [command]
Command to add new clients, api and identity resources.
is4 new [command]
Create an api resource.
is4 new api-resource [arguments] [options]
The unique name of the resource.
Show help information
Indicates if this resource is disabled. Defaults to enabled.
--display-name <display-name>
Display name of the resource.
--description <description>
Description of the resource.
--user-claims <user-claims>
List of accociated user claims that should be included when this resource is requested.
--scopes <scopes>
The scopes of API
Create a client.
is4 new client [arguments] [options]
Unique ID of the client.
Show help information
Indicates if this client is disabled. Defaults to enabled.
--client-name <client-name>
Client display name (used for logging and consent screen).
--description <description>
Description of the client.
--client-uri <client-uri>
URI to further information about client (used on consent screen).
--logo-uri <logo-uri>
URI to client logo (used on consent screen).
--client-secrets <client-secrets>
Client secrets - only relevant for flows that require a secret.
--secret-algorithm <secret-algorithm>
The algorithm used to encode the client secrets, can be "sha256" or "sha512". Defaults to sha256.
--allowed-grant-types <allowed-grant-types>
Specifies the allowed grant types (legal combinations of AuthorizationCode, Implicit, Hybrid, ResourceOwner, ClientCredentials).
--redirect-uris <redirect-uris>
Specifies allowed URIs to return tokens or authorization codes to.
--post-logout-redirect-uris <post-logout-redirect-uris>
Specifies allowed URIs to redirect to after logout.
--allowed-scopes <allowed-scopes>
Specifies the api scopes that the client is allowed to request. If empty, the client can't access any scope.
--allowed-cors-origins <allowed-cors-origins>
The allowed CORS origins for JavaScript clients.
Create an identity resource.
is4 new identity-resource [arguments] [options]
The unique name of the resource.
Show help information
Indicates if this resource is disabled. Defaults to enabled.
--display-name <display-name>
Display name of the resource.
--description <description>
Description of the resource.
--user-claims <user-claims>
List of accociated user claims that should be included when this resource is requested.
Specifies whether the consent screen will emphasize this scope. Defaults to false.
Specifies whether the user can de-select the scope on the consent screen. Defaults to false.
Specifies whether this scope isn't shown in the discovery document. Defaults to false.
Command to list clients, api and identity resources.
is4 ls [command]
List api resources.
is4 ls api-resource
List clients.
is4 ls client
List identity resources.
is4 ls identity-resource
Contributions are welcome, if you find some bug please don't let of open an issue or a Pull Request.
Licensed under the MIT License. Copy of the license.