Slides and materials from Stir Trek 2019 Avengers Endgame Edition
All presentations were recorded and will be available on the Stir Trek YouTube Channel.
Add your sessions here, in alphabetical order by session title
- Accessibility: What is it, Why Care about it, and How to do it by Jack Merideth
- Cloud Design Patterns by Steve Smith (@ardalis)
- Integrating Junior Developers Into Your Team by Robin Clower
- Measure All the Things by Nick Martin (@nickoncode)
- What's New in C#? by Brendan Enrick (@Brendoneus)
Write a review and add a link to it here.
Please add your supporting materials for your session in a single file in the "Talks" folder. Ideally with no spaces in the filename.
Then update the list with your talk, in alphabetical order if you can.
Stir Trek Team