GCDAsyncSocketManager provides qiuick-to-use GCDAsyncSocket to build socket,it contains connect,disconnect,reconnect,beat,general request
socket connect:
you can connect when app enter forground or ViewController view will appear
[[GCDAsyncSocketCommunicationManager sharedInstance] createSocketWithToken:@"your token" channel:@"your communication channel"];
socket disconnect:
you can disconnect when app enter background
[[GCDAsyncSocketCommunicationManager sharedInstance] disconnectSocket];
we provide a general interface to send request
is the request type
is the request body
is the request handle complete callback to app
- (void)socketWriteDataWithRequestType:(GACRequestType)type
requestBody:(nonnull NSDictionary *)body
completion:(nullable SocketDidReadBlock)callback;
for example:
[[GCDAsyncSocketCommunicationManager sharedInstance] socketWriteDataWithRequestType:GACRequestType_GetConversationsList requestBody:requestBody completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error, id _Nullable data) {
// do something
if (error) {
} else {