Reports files that are beyond a certain age.
Download the linux binary from S3.
Set up a crontab entry as follows:
0,20,40 08-21 * * 1-6 root ageing_files r --basepath /srv/ftp/home --folders orders,transit,upload --maxage 1200 --exclude=FLGROUP.SEN | notify_hipchat --token 9ba63663685bc06d47f9a9ab137fb0 --room_id Infrastructure --from Axle --to ijonas,stewart --subject "Files older than 20 minutes"
The example above runs the checks
- every 20 minutes
- between 8am & 9pm
- Monday through to Saturday
- notifying Ijonas @ Stewart
Ageing_files can be told to ignore files by using either exact file names or simple wildcard prefixes. Matching is case-insensitive.
Folders are scanned using the basepath and folders parameters
--basepath /srv/ftp/home --folders subfolder1,subfolder2,subfolder3
The maximum age of files is expressed in secods
--maxage 1200