The SDK for CARV ID ecosystem. (Only Telegram is supported.)
- CARV ID SDK Widget
- carv-id-demo(Telegram demo):
- carv-id-dev (carv-id-app@dev):
- carv-id(carv-id-app@prod):
<script src="" defer></script>
window.onload = function () {
const CarvIdInstance = new CarvIdSDK.CarvId({
showWidget: true,
authorizeConfig: {
client_id: "0a17299349c4b3e57bc8c25581b01bd0ec80c279",
response_type: "code",
state: "test app state",
scope: "carv_id_basic_read email_basic_read evm_address_basic_read",
redirect_uri: ""
console.log(CarvIdInstance, "CARV ID SDK initialized");
pnpm add @carv_admin/carv-id-tg-sdk
import {
} from "@carv_admin/carv-id-tg-sdk";
window.onload = function() => {
const CarvIdInstance = new CarvId({
theme: Enum_CarvIdTheme.LIGHT,
showWidget: true,
widgetOptions: {
size: "60px",
placement: Enum_CarvIdIconPlacement.BOTTOM_RIGHT
onLoad: (data) => {
console.log("onLoad", data);
onAuthSuccess: (data) => {
console.log("onAuthSuccess", data);
onAuthFailed: (data) => {
console.log("onAuthFailed", data);
console.log(CarvIdInstance, "CARV ID SDK initialized");
// Initialize
const carvIdInstance = new CarvId(Options: I_CarvIdOptions)
// Start authorization process
// Open CARV ID identity page
// Callback triggered after authorization
CarvIdInstance.handleAuthCallback().then((res: I_AuthenticateResponse) => {
// {code: string, state: string}
console.log(res, "handleAuthCallback");
if (res.code) {
console.log("Authorize success", res.code);
interface I_CarvIdOptions {
env?: Enum_Env;
theme?: Enum_CarvIdTheme;
showWidget?: boolean;
widgetOptions?: I_CarvIdWidgetOptions;
authorizeConfig: I_CarvIdAuthorizeConfig;
onLoad?: (data: CarvId) => void;
onAuthSuccess?: (data: I_AuthenticateResponse) => void;
onAuthFailed?: (data: I_AuthenticateResponse) => void;
Field | Description | Type | Default |
env | Environment | Enum_Env | Enum_Env.PROD |
theme | Theme mode | Enum_CarvIdTheme | Enum_CarvIdTheme.LIGHT |
showWidget | Show widget icon | Boolean | false |
widgetOptions | Widget options | I_CarvIdWidgetOptions | undefined |
authorizeConfig | Configuration for authorization | I_CarvIdAuthorizeConfig | undefined |
onLoad | Callback that triggered after SDK initialized | (data: CarvId) => void | undefined |
onAuthSuccess | Callback that triggered after authorization successful | (data: I_AuthenticateResponse) => void | undefined |
onAuthFailed | Callback that triggered after authorization failed | (data: I_AuthenticateResponse) => void | undefined |
interface I_CarvIdWidgetOptions {
theme?: Enum_CarvIdTheme;
size?: string;
className?: string;
draggable?: boolean;
watchResize?: boolean;
rememberPosition?: boolean;
placement?: Enum_CarvIdIconPlacement;
offset?: I_CarvIdIconPlacementOffset;
Field | Description | Type | Default |
theme | Theme mode | Enum_CarvIdTheme | Enum_CarvIdTheme.LIGHT |
size | Icon size | String | "48px" |
placement | Icon placement | Enum_CarvIdIconPlacement | Enum_CarvIdIconPlacement.BOTTOM_RIGHT |
offset | The offset config for placement | I_CarvIdIconPlacementOffset | { left: 20, right: 20, top: 40, bottom: 60 } |
className | The class name of widget | String | "" |
draggable | Enable drag interaction | Boolean | true |
watchResize | Watch the resize event | Boolean | true |
rememberPosition | Remember icon position | Boolean | true |
This project generated from a Turborepo starter. Run the following command to init a new project:
npx create-turbo@latest -e with-vite
And this project includes the following packages and apps:
: used for testing SDK
: a vanilla vite ts appweb
: another vanilla vite ts app@carvid/carv-id-tg-sdk
: a CARV ID core component@carvid/utils
: a stub utility library shared by all applications@carvid/eslint-config
: sharedeslint
s used throughout the monorepo
This Turborepo has some additional tools already setup for you:
- TypeScript for static type checking
- ESLint for code linting
- Prettier for code formatting