Example R and MATLAB code from Carr, Brady, & Winkielman (Psych Science 2017):
Here's some code to do similar psychometric analyses as those presented in Experiments 1-2 in Carr, Brady, & Winkielman (Psych Science 2017). The paper can be accessed here.
Both of the main R scripts ("ps2017_exp1.R" and "ps2017_exp2.R") involve cleaning NA values and outliers, fitting psychometric functions, and plotting the results (similar to Figures 3 and 6 in the paper). These scripts are revised/adapted to (hopefully) make it easier for other people to do similar analyses.
The MATLAB script ("ps2017_exp2_sbjLevelFits.m") is code for the method we used to get subject-level estimates for thresholds (alpha parameters) and slopes (beta parameters) in Exp. 2. Note that the script requires the Palamedes toolbox to be installed.
For more info (or other questions), please email Evan Carr at [email protected].