Either clone this repo for your new project:
git clone git://github.com/tehpeh/middleman-foundation-5.git my_new_project
or add it to the Middleman template directory and use the --template flag when creating a new project:
mkdir -p ~/.middleman
git clone git://github.com/tehpeh/middleman-foundation-5.git ~/.middleman/foundation-5
middleman init my_new_project --template=foundation-5
Then finish the set up with:
cd my_new_project
bundle install
bower install
When you're working on your project, just run the following command:
bundle exec middleman
If you'd like to upgrade to a newer version of Foundation down the road just run:
bower update
Then compare and copy over any updates to _settings.scss:
diff source/stylesheets/_settings.scss bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/_settings.scss
Middleman has it's own upgrade command:
bundle exec middleman upgrade
This project uses open source software under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for details.