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This is the codebase for the paper, "DM2: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Distribution Matching".


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This repository was originally forked from Please refer to their for instructions on how to install StarCraft II and SMAC, save/load checkpointed models, visualize SC2 tasks. Parts of the IPPO/DM2 implementation originate from

Below are the instructions to reproduce the experiments found in the paper, DM^2: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Distribution Matching. The RMAPPO baseline was produced by directly running the code provided by Yu et al. at Please contact us if you have any further questions.

All commands below should be run from the pymarl directory. The list of seeds used in the main paper are as follows: 112358, 1285842, 78590, 119527, 122529. The maps used in the paper are 5v6, 3sv4z, and 3sv3z. The commands below will use the 5v6 map as an example, but different map names may be substituted in. Different algorithms may be run by modifying the correct .yaml file in pymarl/src/config/default<>.yaml, as specified below.

Running IPPO

In the file default_ippo_5v6.yaml, make the following modifications:

  • Set rew_type: "env"
  • Set update_gail: False

All results will be stored in the local_results_path. To save IPPO demonstrations, see the below subsection .

Run the following command:

python src/ --env-config=sc2 --config=default_ippo_5v6 --alg-config=ippo with env_args.map_name=5m_vs_6m --seed=<seed>

Sampling Demonstrations

To sample IPPO demonstrations, set the following additional parameters in the same default_ippo_5v6.yaml:

  • Set save_agent_batches: False
  • Set save_agent_batchsize to the number of desired demonstration state-action pairs. The results in the paper were computed with state-only demonstrations, and each algorithm (where relevant) had access to 1000 demonstration states, unless specified otherwise.
  • Set save_agent_batches_interval to the desired saving interval. By default, this value is 1M timesteps.

Running QMIX

No modifications need to be made to default.yaml. All results will be stored in the local_results_path. To save QMIX demonstrations, see the below subsection .

Run the following command:

python src/ --env-config=sc2 --config=default --alg-config=qmix with env_args.map_name=5m_vs_6m --seed=<seed>

Sampling Demonstrations

The QMIX demonstrations used the paper experiments were sampled from fully trained QMIX policies. To sample QMIX demonstrations, first train a QMIX policy on the desired map. Next, make the following modifications to default_qmix_savetraj.yaml:

  • Set checkpoint_path to the path of the saved QMIX policy checkpoints.
  • Set epsilon_start to the same value as epsilon_finish (refer to the Appendix of the paper for epsilon values). In practice, for DM^2 to learn well from QMIX demonstrations, it is sometimes important for there to be a degree of random action noise in the demonstrations.

Run the following command:

python src/ --env-config=sc2 --config=default_qmix_savetraj --alg-config=qmix with env_args.map_name=5m_vs_6m --seed=<seed>

Running DM2

First, follow the above instructions to sample demonstrations. These demonstrations may be sampled from QMIX or IPPO checkpoints.

Next, make the following modifications to default_ippo_5v6.yaml:

  • Set rew_type: "mixed"
  • Set update_gail to True
  • Set gail_data_paths to a list that contains the path to the demonstration data directory. For DM^2, the list should contain only a single path.
  • Set gail_exp_eps to the number of demonstration states desired. The results presented in the paper used 1000.
  • Set gail_exp_use_same_data_idxs: True
  • Set gail_exp_use_single_seed: True

All results will be stored in the local_results_path; update this if necessary.

Finally, run the following command:

python src/ --env-config=sc2 --config=default_ippo_5v6 --alg-config=ippo with env_args.map_name=5m_vs_6m --seed=<seed>

Running DM2 with Self Imitation Learning

No demonstrations are required. Make the following modifications to default_ippo_5v6.yaml:

  • Set rew_type: "mixed"
  • Set update_gail: True
  • Set gail_buffer_size to the number of episodes that you would like to store in the SIL buffer.
  • Set gail_sil to True

Running Ablations of DM2

Running the ablations requires access to demonstration data as well. To run all 3 ablations, we require demonstration data sampled from n_allied_agents distinct checkpoints, and gail_exp_eps * n_allied_agents demonstration states per checkpoint.

Modify default_ippo_5v6.yaml as follows:

  • Set rew_type: "mixed"
  • Set update_gail to True
  • Set gail_data_paths to a list that contains all paths to all demonstration data; the length of this list should be equal to n_allied_agents.
  • For the concurrently sampled ablations, set gail_exp_use_same_data_idxs to True.
  • For the co-trained experts ablations, set gail_exp_use_single_seed to True.

Run the following command:

python src/ --env-config=sc2 --config=default_ippo_5v6 --alg-config=ippo with env_args.map_name=5m_vs_6m --seed=<seed>


Figures in the paper were generated by the notebook at pymarl/notebooks/Paper Figures.ipynb.


This is the codebase for the paper, "DM2: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Distribution Matching".







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