CR-Sparse v0.3.0
- zero
- singleton
- affine
- box
- box affine
- conic
- l2 ball
- l1 ball
- zero
- identity
- singleton
- affine
- box
- conic
- l2 ball
- l1 ball
Linear operators
Proximal operators
- zero
- 1l
- l2
- l1 positive
- l1 ball
- ordered weighted l1
Smooth functions
- constant
- entropy
- huber
- linear
- logdet
- quad matrix
First order methods
- l1 regulated least square
- smooth conic dual solver
- lasso
- ordered weighted l1 regularized least squares
- dantzig smooth conic dual
- basis pursuit smooth conic dual
- Common utility functions, linear algebra routines
and basic signal processing functions have been refactored into a separate
library CR-Nimble - Wavelets related functionality has been refactored into a separate
library CR-Wavelets
- Support for JAX 0.3.14