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added check_required_dependencies() to the base class
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kroitor committed Oct 4, 2018
1 parent 2f30838 commit 2d11a52
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Showing 3 changed files with 245 additions and 218 deletions.
171 changes: 95 additions & 76 deletions js/base/Exchange.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,12 +45,20 @@ const defaultFetch = typeof (fetch) === "undefined" ? require ('fetch-ponyfill')
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// web3 / 0x imports

const Web3 = require ('web3')
, ethAbi = require ('ethereumjs-abi')
, ethUtil = require ('ethereumjs-util')
, BigNumber = require ('bignumber.js')
let Web3 = undefined
, ethAbi = undefined
, ethUtil = undefined
, BigNumber = undefined

try {
Web3 = require ('web3') // eslint-disable-line global-require
ethAbi = require ('ethereumjs-abi') // eslint-disable-line global-require
ethUtil = require ('ethereumjs-util') // eslint-disable-line global-require
BigNumber = require ('bignumber.js') // eslint-disable-line global-require
// we prefer bignumber.js over BN.js
// , BN = require ('bn.js')
// BN = require ('bn.js') // eslint-disable-line global-require
} catch (e) {

const journal = undefined // isNode && require ('./journal') // stub until we get a better solution for Webpack and React

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +360,7 @@ module.exports = class Exchange {
journal (() => this.journal, this, Object.keys (this.has))

if (!this.web3) {
if (!this.web3 && Web3) {
this.web3 = new Web3 (new Web3.providers.HttpProvider ())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1188,76 +1196,6 @@ module.exports = class Exchange {
return this.createOrder (symbol, 'market', 'sell', amount, undefined, params)

ethDecimals (unit = 'ether') {
const units = {
'wei': 0, // 1
'kwei': 3, // 1000
'babbage': 3, // 1000
'femtoether': 3, // 1000
'mwei': 6, // 1000000
'lovelace': 6, // 1000000
'picoether': 6, // 1000000
'gwei': 9, // 1000000000
'shannon': 9, // 1000000000
'nanoether': 9, // 1000000000
'nano': 9, // 1000000000
'szabo': 12, // 1000000000000
'microether': 12, // 1000000000000
'micro': 12, // 1000000000000
'finney': 15, // 1000000000000000
'milliether': 15, // 1000000000000000
'milli': 15, // 1000000000000000
'ether': 18, // 1000000000000000000
'kether': 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'grand': 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'mether': 24, // 1000000000000000000000000
'gether': 27, // 1000000000000000000000000000
'tether': 30, // 1000000000000000000000000000000
return this.safeValue (units, unit)

ethUnit (decimals = 18) {
const units = {
0: 'wei', // 1000000000000000000
3: 'kwei', // 1000000000000000
6: 'mwei', // 1000000000000
9: 'gwei', // 1000000000
12: 'szabo', // 1000000
15: 'finney', // 1000
18: 'ether', // 1
21: 'kether', // 0.001
24: 'mether', // 0.000001
27: 'gether', // 0.000000001
30: 'tether', // 0.000000000001
return this.safeValue (units, decimals)

fromWei (amount, unit = 'ether', decimals = 18) {
if (amount === undefined) {
return amount
if (decimals !== 18) {
amount = new BigNumber (amount).times (new BigNumber (10 ** (18 - decimals))).toFixed ()
} else {
amount = new BigNumber (amount).toFixed ()
return parseFloat (this.web3.utils.fromWei (amount, unit))

toWei (amount, unit = 'ether', decimals = 18) {
if (amount === undefined) {
return amount
if (decimals !== 18) {
amount = new BigNumber (this.numberToString (amount)).div (new BigNumber (10 ** (18 - decimals))).toFixed ()
} else {
amount = this.numberToString (amount)
return this.web3.utils.toWei (amount, unit)

costToPrecision (symbol, cost) {
return decimalToPrecision (cost, ROUND,[symbol].precision.price, this.precisionMode)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1331,6 +1269,87 @@ module.exports = class Exchange {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// web3 / 0x methods

checkRequiredDependencies () {
if (!Web3 || !ethUtil || !ethAbi || !BigNumber) {
throw new ExchangeError ( + ' requires these npm modules installed: ' + [
].join (', '));

ethDecimals (unit = 'ether') {
const units = {
'wei': 0, // 1
'kwei': 3, // 1000
'babbage': 3, // 1000
'femtoether': 3, // 1000
'mwei': 6, // 1000000
'lovelace': 6, // 1000000
'picoether': 6, // 1000000
'gwei': 9, // 1000000000
'shannon': 9, // 1000000000
'nanoether': 9, // 1000000000
'nano': 9, // 1000000000
'szabo': 12, // 1000000000000
'microether': 12, // 1000000000000
'micro': 12, // 1000000000000
'finney': 15, // 1000000000000000
'milliether': 15, // 1000000000000000
'milli': 15, // 1000000000000000
'ether': 18, // 1000000000000000000
'kether': 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'grand': 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'mether': 24, // 1000000000000000000000000
'gether': 27, // 1000000000000000000000000000
'tether': 30, // 1000000000000000000000000000000
return this.safeValue (units, unit)

ethUnit (decimals = 18) {
const units = {
0: 'wei', // 1000000000000000000
3: 'kwei', // 1000000000000000
6: 'mwei', // 1000000000000
9: 'gwei', // 1000000000
12: 'szabo', // 1000000
15: 'finney', // 1000
18: 'ether', // 1
21: 'kether', // 0.001
24: 'mether', // 0.000001
27: 'gether', // 0.000000001
30: 'tether', // 0.000000000001
return this.safeValue (units, decimals)

fromWei (amount, unit = 'ether', decimals = 18) {
if (amount === undefined) {
return amount
if (decimals !== 18) {
amount = new BigNumber (amount).times (new BigNumber (10 ** (18 - decimals))).toFixed ()
} else {
amount = new BigNumber (amount).toFixed ()
return parseFloat (this.web3.utils.fromWei (amount, unit))

toWei (amount, unit = 'ether', decimals = 18) {
if (amount === undefined) {
return amount
if (decimals !== 18) {
amount = new BigNumber (this.numberToString (amount)).div (new BigNumber (10 ** (18 - decimals))).toFixed ()
} else {
amount = this.numberToString (amount)
return this.web3.utils.toWei (amount, unit)

decryptAccountFromJson (json, password) {
return this.decryptAccount ((typeof json === 'string') ? JSON.parse (json) : json, password)
Expand Down
144 changes: 74 additions & 70 deletions php/Exchange.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1895,76 +1895,6 @@ public function currency_id ($commonCode) {
return $this->safe_string($currencyIds, $commonCode, $commonCode);

public function eth_decimals ($unit = 'ether') {
$units = array (
'wei' => 0, // 1
'kwei' => 3, // 1000
'babbage' => 3, // 1000
'femtoether' => 3, // 1000
'mwei' => 6, // 1000000
'lovelace' => 6, // 1000000
'picoether' => 6, // 1000000
'gwei' => 9, // 1000000000
'shannon' => 9, // 1000000000
'nanoether' => 9, // 1000000000
'nano' => 9, // 1000000000
'szabo' => 12, // 1000000000000
'microether' => 12, // 1000000000000
'micro' => 12, // 1000000000000
'finney' => 15, // 1000000000000000
'milliether' => 15, // 1000000000000000
'milli' => 15, // 1000000000000000
'ether' => 18, // 1000000000000000000
'kether' => 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'grand' => 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'mether' => 24, // 1000000000000000000000000
'gether' => 27, // 1000000000000000000000000000
'tether' => 30, // 1000000000000000000000000000000
return $this->safe_value ($units, $unit);

public function ethDecimals ($unit = 'ether') {
return $this->eth_decimals ($unit);

public function eth_unit ($decimals = 18) {
$units = array (
0 => 'wei', // 1000000000000000000
3 => 'kwei', // 1000000000000000
6 => 'mwei', // 1000000000000
9 => 'gwei', // 1000000000
12 => 'szabo', // 1000000
15 => 'finney', // 1000
18 => 'ether', // 1
21 => 'kether', // 0.001
24 => 'mether', // 0.000001
27 => 'gether', // 0.000000001
30 => 'tether', // 0.000000000001
return $this->safe_value ($units, (int) $decimals);

public function ethUnit ($decimals = 18) {
return $this->eth_unit ($decimals);

public function fromWei ($amount, $unit = 'ether', $decimals = 18) {
if (!isset (Exchange::$eth_units[$unit])) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException ("Uknown unit '" . $unit . "', supported units: " . implode (', ', array_keys (Exchange::$eth_units)));
$denominator = substr_count (Exchange::$eth_units[$unit], 0) + strlen ($amount) - strpos ($amount, '.') - 1;
return (float) (($unit === 'wei') ? $amount : bcdiv ($amount, Exchange::$eth_units[$unit], $denominator));

public function toWei ($amount, $unit = 'ether', $decimals = 18) {
if (!isset (Exchange::$eth_units[$unit])) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException ("Unknown unit '" . $unit . "', supported units: " . implode (', ', array_keys (Exchange::$eth_units)));
return (string) (int) (($unit === 'wei') ? $amount : bcmul ($amount, Exchange::$eth_units[$unit]));

public function precision_from_string ($string) {
$parts = explode ('.', preg_replace ('/0+$/', '', $string));
return (count ($parts) > 1) ? strlen ($parts[1]) : 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2232,6 +2162,80 @@ public static function decimal_to_precision ($x, $roundingMode = ROUND, $numPrec
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// web3 / 0x methods

public function check_required_dependencies () {
// PHP version of this function does nothing, as most of its
// dependencies are very lighweight and don't eat a lot

public function eth_decimals ($unit = 'ether') {
$units = array (
'wei' => 0, // 1
'kwei' => 3, // 1000
'babbage' => 3, // 1000
'femtoether' => 3, // 1000
'mwei' => 6, // 1000000
'lovelace' => 6, // 1000000
'picoether' => 6, // 1000000
'gwei' => 9, // 1000000000
'shannon' => 9, // 1000000000
'nanoether' => 9, // 1000000000
'nano' => 9, // 1000000000
'szabo' => 12, // 1000000000000
'microether' => 12, // 1000000000000
'micro' => 12, // 1000000000000
'finney' => 15, // 1000000000000000
'milliether' => 15, // 1000000000000000
'milli' => 15, // 1000000000000000
'ether' => 18, // 1000000000000000000
'kether' => 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'grand' => 21, // 1000000000000000000000
'mether' => 24, // 1000000000000000000000000
'gether' => 27, // 1000000000000000000000000000
'tether' => 30, // 1000000000000000000000000000000
return $this->safe_value ($units, $unit);

public function ethDecimals ($unit = 'ether') {
return $this->eth_decimals ($unit);

public function eth_unit ($decimals = 18) {
$units = array (
0 => 'wei', // 1000000000000000000
3 => 'kwei', // 1000000000000000
6 => 'mwei', // 1000000000000
9 => 'gwei', // 1000000000
12 => 'szabo', // 1000000
15 => 'finney', // 1000
18 => 'ether', // 1
21 => 'kether', // 0.001
24 => 'mether', // 0.000001
27 => 'gether', // 0.000000001
30 => 'tether', // 0.000000000001
return $this->safe_value ($units, (int) $decimals);

public function ethUnit ($decimals = 18) {
return $this->eth_unit ($decimals);

public function fromWei ($amount, $unit = 'ether', $decimals = 18) {
if (!isset (Exchange::$eth_units[$unit])) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException ("Uknown unit '" . $unit . "', supported units: " . implode (', ', array_keys (Exchange::$eth_units)));
$denominator = substr_count (Exchange::$eth_units[$unit], 0) + strlen ($amount) - strpos ($amount, '.') - 1;
return (float) (($unit === 'wei') ? $amount : bcdiv ($amount, Exchange::$eth_units[$unit], $denominator));

public function toWei ($amount, $unit = 'ether', $decimals = 18) {
if (!isset (Exchange::$eth_units[$unit])) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException ("Unknown unit '" . $unit . "', supported units: " . implode (', ', array_keys (Exchange::$eth_units)));
return (string) (int) (($unit === 'wei') ? $amount : bcmul ($amount, Exchange::$eth_units[$unit]));

// decryptAccountFromJSON (json, password) {
// return this.decryptAccount ((typeof json === 'string') ? JSON.parse (json) : json, password)
// }
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