Flare - Messenger is a messenger app built with web technologies such as React and WebSockets. Some features includes private- and group-chats, custom profile, photo uploads, gif-files, in-app camera.
I built this app because I wanted a place I could send messages through 1 app, no matter which device or browser im using, the goal is to make a messenger app as accessible as possible.
- You need to have MonogDB installed locally on your machine.
- Make sure you also have Node.js and NPM installed
Make an account on cloudinary and add the following inside a .env file in the server folder: (Cloudinary is used for image uploading)
- First create a folder where you want the project to be installed
- Clone project:
git clone https://github.com/CarlssonK/flare.git .
- Install packages in both client and server folders
cd client && npm i && cd ../server && npm i
- Start MongoDB on your machine and start both server and client servers with
npm start
- Open up a web browser and go to
- React.js
- Ionic Framework
- Express.js
- Socket.io
- MongoDB
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.