An end-to-end encrypted data storage and sharing system using Raspberry Pi's. Part of the Project Based Learning module of the Advanced Internet Computing course, SoSe, 2023.
Ahmad Hawat (@cld0736) - [email protected]
Carl Egge (@cox5071) - [email protected]
Ghislain Nkamdjin Njike (@ciw0490) - [email protected]
Mohammad Rayhanur Rahman (@ckf8282) - [email protected]
Team Coordinator:
Mohammad Rayhanur Rahman ([email protected])
This project is python based and utilizes a Flask UI. It is supposed to be run in a Set Up with a Raspberry Pi and a Grove Pi to consume real sensor data. The project is split in two parts (a Sharing and a Storage System). Explanations of the two parts can be seen at the bottom of the page. The functionality can also be run as scripts without the UI.
Features include:
- python grovepi package consumption of sensors
- python cryptography package used for encryption
- connection to Google Cloud using the GCP connector package
- python pyDH package used for Diffie Hellmann Key Exchange
- python paho package used for MQTT
In order to run the project a few python packages are needed and we want to use a virtual environment for that.
Make sure you have python and pip installed and then run:
pip install virtualenv
Next, we create the virtual environment for the project, launch it and install our requirements:
virtualenv <my_env_name>
source <my_env_name>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The project contains a simple flask application. Be sure to install all the necessary packages in the virtual environment.
cd src/
python3 -m flask run
The project will now be served on
and can be accessed through the browser.
In order to connect to the Google Cloud SQL Service, we need to authenticate the process using either the gcloud SDK tools and the user credentials of the Google account or to generate a service account key with the SQL Client privilege and store the key path in the local environment. We decided to use the second option. If you want to use the Storage System, you need to set up a SQL instance and create a privileged service worker. The key of the service worker must be placed as JSON somewhere in the file system and the absolute path must be provided in the /src/gcp/
For security reasons, the credentials for the GCP SQL instance are stored in a local enviroment file (.env
) that is not in this GitLab repository. Without the credentials from the .env
file, it is not possible to connect to the SQL instance. Set Up the .env
file in the following format and fill in your information:
db_user = <root>
db_pass = <your-password>
db_name = <test>
project_id = <project-id>
region = <region>
instance_name = <test-instance>
For the second part of the project (Sharing System) you will need two clients that can connect through the network. One client must run a MQTT Broker. See here for the installation and setup and here for more information.
To connect to the mqtt Broker you need to install the python library paho-mqtt on both devices using the pip install paho-mqtt
It is important to specify the IP address of the broker and the port number also in the .env
file like so:
broker_address = <your-ip-here>
port = 1883
The receiving client should start the
. This will allow the Raspberry Pi to connect and exchange encrypted data.
The storage system will involve acquiring streaming data from the sensors, encrypting them in batches and storing them in the Google Cloud.
Grove Pi ->> Raspberry Pi: sensor_data
Note right of Raspberry Pi: Generate Sym-<br/>metriyc Key<br/>+ Encrypt Data
Raspberry Pi ->> Google Cloud: authentication
Raspberry Pi ->> Google Cloud: upload_data
Note right of Google Cloud: Store in SQL instance
Google Cloud ->> Raspberry Pi: fetch_data
Note right of Raspberry Pi: Decrypt Data with<br/>Symmetric Key
The sharing system should enable end-to-end encrypted peer-to-peer data transmission between two parties.
Grove Pi ->> Raspberry Pi 1: sensor_data
Raspberry Pi 1 ->> MQTT Broker: connect
Raspberry Pi 2 ->> MQTT Broker: connect
Raspberry Pi 1 ->> MQTT Broker: send_pub_key
MQTT Broker --> Raspberry Pi 2 : subscribe_pub_key
Note right of Raspberry Pi 2: Calc shared secret
Raspberry Pi 2 ->> MQTT Broker: send_pub_key
MQTT Broker --> Raspberry Pi 1 : subscribe_pub_key
Note left of Raspberry Pi 1: Calc shared secret<br/>+ Encrypt Data
Raspberry Pi 1 ->> MQTT Broker: send_encry_data
MQTT Broker --> Raspberry Pi 2: subscribe_data
Note right of Raspberry Pi 2: Decrypt Data
Google Cloud: