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This is repository stores data and code for creating figures in the publication, "Carbon Evasion Dynamics in a Tropical, High-Elevation, Peatland Catchment are Mediated by A Threshold in Watershed Area"

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Carbon Evasion Dynamics in a Tropical, High-Elevation, Peatland Catchment are Mediated by A Threshold in Watershed Area

Authors: Keridwen M. Whitmore, Amanda G. DelVecchia, Elizabeth Farquhar, Gerard Rocher-Ros, Esteban Suárez, and Diego A. Riveros-Iregui

This repository serves to host data and analyses used in the research supporting the work in Carbon Evasion Dynamics in a Tropical, High-Elevation, Peatland Catchment are Mediated by A Threshold in Watershed Area, submitted to Water Resources Research.


To provide access to the data and make analyses reproducible for others. Figures 2 through 7 presented in the paper were created using R statistical software. Figure 1 is a site map created in Arc Pro (ESRI 2023) All scripts and data files for creating our figures are provided within this repository. If you have Rstudio installed on your computer, you should be able to 'fork' this repository and run it on your local computer to reproduce the anlayses in this paper without any alterations.

Instructions to run this code

You can fork or simply download this repository to your local computer and open the project file Whitmore_et_al_2024.Rproj. We use the here package to ensure that the code will run on any computer without having to change any file paths.

Guide to files


  • File name: Data.csv

these data are used to create figures 2,3,6, & 7

Column Name Description
lon_fit longitude corrdinate of sample, predicted by fitting a spline to GPS collected corrdinates (decimal degrees)
lat_fit latitude corrdinate of sample, predicted by fitting a spline to GPS collected corrdinates (decimal degrees)
ele_fit elevation of sample, predicted by fitting a spline to GPS collected corrdinates (meters)
width width of stream at sample location (centimeter)
depth depth of stream at sample location (centimeter)
dist sample distance from most upstream measurment (meter)
Wetland name of sampled reach
Wetland_2 name of sampled reach, all tribs combined
Wetland_3 name of sampled reach, gavilan river network combined
Wetland_4 name of sampled reach, mainstem split between outlet and inlet
Wetland_5 name of sampled reach, mainstem split between outlet and inlet, gavilan tribs combined
CatchmentSize_ha catchment size at sample point (hectar)
Date Date of sample collection
pCO2_ppm dissolved co2 (parts per million)
F_CO2_umol_m2_s co2 evasion flux, average of 2-3 measurments (umol/m2/s)
WaterTemp_c Water Temperature (celcius)
AirTemp_c air temperature (celcius)
air_pressure_hpa air pressure (hectopascals)
surface_area surface area of stream represented by sample point (square meter)
pCO2_air_ppm CO2 concentration in the air (parts per million)
air_pressure_atm air pressure (atmospheres)
water_pressure_atm water pressure (atmospheres)
pCO2_w_atm dissolved CO2 concentration (atmospheres)
pCO2_air_atm CO2 at saturation (atmospheres
KH_mol.l.atm Henry's constant adjusted for water temperature (mole/L/atm)
KH_mol.m3.atm Henry's constant adjusted for water temperature (mole/m3/atm)
Flux_mol_m2_d CO2 evasion flux (mole/m2/day)
k_m_d CO2 gas transfer velocity (meter/day)
Sc schmidt's constant
K600 CO2 gas transfer velocity adjusted to the schmidt's constant of 600 (meter/day)


  • File name: Slope_Data.csv

*these data are used to create figures 4 & 5

Column Name Description
lon_fit longitude corrdinate of sample, predicted by fitting a spline to GPS collected corrdinates (decimal degrees)
lat_fit latitude corrdinate of sample, predicted by fitting a spline to GPS collected corrdinates (decimal degrees)
ele_fit elevation of sample, predicted by fitting a spline to GPS collected corrdinates (meters)
width width of stream at sample location (centimeter)
depth depth of stream at sample location (centimeter)
dist sample distance from most upstream measurment (meter)
Wetland_4 name of sampled reach, mainstem split between outlet and inlet
CatchmentSize_ha catchment size at sample point (hectar)
pCO2_ppm dissolved co2 (parts per million)
F_CO2_umol_m2_s co2 evasion flux, average of 2-3 measurments (umol/m2/s)
Ele_sample elevation of sample pulled from DTM (meter)
Ele_upstream elevation upstream of sample from DTM (meter)
reach_length gas travel distance (meter)
slope_m.m slope upstream of sample point (meter/meter)
k_m_d CO2 gas transfer velocity (meter/day)
Sc schmidt's constant
K600 CO2 gas transfer velocity adjusted to the schmidt's constant of 600 (meter/day)


  • File name: Fig7_dataframe.csv

*these data are used to create figure 7

Column Name Description
dist sample distance from most upstream measurment (meter)
pCO2_ppm dissolved co2 (parts per million)
Totalflux_umolpers flux rate multiplied by stream area (umole/second)
Wetland name of sampled reach
Wetland_4 name of sampled reach, mainstem split between outlet and inlet
shape column used for plotting
Totalfux_gpers cumulative flux from upstream to downsteam (gC-CO2/second



file name: Figures_script.Rmd

*this R markdown can be used to plot figure 2-7 using data in project folder


Points of contact

Direct questions about the paper to Keridwen M Whitmore: [email protected] or to Dr. Diego Riveros-Iregui: [email protected]

Direct questions about the code to:

Keridwen M Whitmore: [email protected]


This is repository stores data and code for creating figures in the publication, "Carbon Evasion Dynamics in a Tropical, High-Elevation, Peatland Catchment are Mediated by A Threshold in Watershed Area"






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