You can sign up for a Spreedly account at Spreedly.
Requires Java 1.7 and later.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.caravelo:spreedly-java-client:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
Add sample usages. (TODO)
- Authorize
- Create
- General Credit
- Index
- Options Index
- Purchase
- Redact
- Retain
- Show
- Store
- Transactions
- Update
- Verify
- Create (Transparent Redirect)
- Create (Authenticated API)
- Create (JavaScript API)
- Index
- Recache
- Redact
- Retain
- Show
- Transactions
- Update
- Capture
- Credit
- Index
- Purchase
- Show
- Transcript
- Void
- Create
- Deliver
- Index
- Redact
- Show
- Update
- Create
- Update
Add testing info. (TODO)