This is the code behind A service that takes regular screenshots of preconfigured websites, and makes them accessible through a nice Web interface.
In order to get started with this project, you need
- git
- docker (boot2docker on a Mac)
- fig
Once the prerequisits are installed, you can simply
git clone
cd webscreenshots
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=<secret_key>
fig up -d
After all is done, you should be able to see the started containers
$ fig ps
Name Command State Ports
webscreenshots_db_1 / postgres Up>5432/tcp
webscreenshots_web_1 python runserver ... Up>8000/tcp
Now, you can simply surf into localhost:49186 (or open http://$(boot2docker ip 2>/dev/null):49186
). to see the working application.