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This package includes both a program, skullstrip_dmri, already trained to strip skulls from in vivo adult human diffusion MR images, and software for training it to recognize tissue classes for other types of diffusion MRI (dMRI) subjects. Skull stripping is typically needed, or at least wanted, early in a dMRI processing pipeline to prevent divisions by zero, avoid computations on irrelevant voxels, and aid registration between images.

To avoid a chicken-and-egg problem, skullstrip_dmri typically operates without needing bias correction or a T1-weighted image, and mainly relies on the diffusion properties of voxels to classify them. It uses a random forest classifier from machine learning, and (so far!) is fairly tolerant of changes in scan protocol such as b value, voxel size, and scanner manufacturer.

dmri_segment can do basic tissue classification (brain, CSF, air/extracranial tissue and "other" (tentorium, etc.)), but the main purpose of this package is to produce a mask for separating the brain, CSF, and other classes, e.g. the total intracranial volume (TIV), from extracranial voxels. The difference between brain and "other" is particularly fuzzy - "other" is just anything determined to be in the TIV which is not obviously brain or CSF. Since dMRI tends to suffer from large distorted voxels we expect that most users will use a 3D acquisition (e.g. T1w and/or FLAIR) for a more precise measure of the brain volume.


You probably do NOT need to train your own classifier, or worry about most of skullstrip_dmri's options, unless you are stripping unusual brains (e.g. phantoms).


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE and NOTICE).


All but the first two can be installed with pip(env).

  • POSIX? (not yet tested with Windows)
  • python 2.7, or python 3.6+
  • dipy
    • Dependencies:
      • nibabel
      • numpy
      • (If installing via pip):
        • sudo apt install python-dev (Debian and its derivatives)
        • sudo yum install python-devel (Red Hat and its derivatives)
  • future (for python 2/3 compatibility)
  • scikit-image
  • scikit-learn
  • if using scikit-learn > 0.23.2 (very likely): onnxruntime
  • optional (needed for saving trained classifiers in onnx format, not for day-to-day use): skl2onnx


  • 2.3.0 released 2024-06-27 Improved support for problem data with badly placed FOVs, inoptimally corrected susceptibility distortion, and CSF that is much brighter than brain tissue at b = 0. (i.e. a ratio ~ 4 instead of ~2).
    • The CSF/brain brightness ratio is now empirically estimated using a 1st pass at the tissue class probabilities, so for better or worse this is making every scan's runtime longer for the benefit of a few. Presumably this is worth it since otherwise dealing with those few would be very time consuming.
    • It now also uses internal bias field correction to ameliorate "signal shading". Don't get too excited - it doesn't make much difference to the segmentation, the field it is correcting is a combination of the coil sensitivity map and signal dilution by susceptibility distortion; it is not the classic sensitivity map.
  • 2.0.0 released 2024-01-03 (onnx support + improvements from using morphological_geodesic_active_contour)
    • If you had trouble before with either loading the classifier, or challenging images with iffy receiver coils and/or nasty EPI distortion, 2+ should help a lot - please give it a try!
  • 1.3.0 released 2021-06-30 (restores compatibility with recent scikit-learn versions, e.g. 0.24.+)
  • 1.2.0 released 2019-09-29 (adds python 3 compatibility)
  • 1.1.0 released 2019-07-28 (1st release on github, after > 1 year of in-house use.)

Skull Stripping

  skullstrip_dmri [-i=FL -t=BRFN --verbose=VE] [-c=CR -d=D -m=MR -n=NM -s=SVC -w] DATA BVALFN OUTFN
  skullstrip_dmri [--verbose=VE] -p DATA BVALFN OUTFN
  skullstrip_dmri (-h|--help|--version)

  DATA:    Filename of a 4D dMRI nii, ideally but not necessarily eddy corrected
  BVALFN:  Name of an ASCII file holding the diffusion strengths in a single
           space separated row.
  OUTFN:   Filename for the TIV (or equivalent) output nii.

Common Options:
  -h --help               Show this message and exit.
  --version               Show version and exit.
  -i FL --isFL=FL         Save some time but specifying whether it is (1) or
                          is not (0) a FLAIR diffusion scan. It defaults to
                          trying to find that from the InversionTime (if
                          available) and/or the CSF to tissue brightness ratio.
  -p --phantom            Use for phantoms.
  -t BRFN --brfn=BRFN     If given, also write a tighter brain mask to BRFN.
  --verbose=VE            Be chatty.
                          [default: 1] (True)

Options intended for animal dMRI:
  -c CR --cr=CR           Closing radius relative to the maximum voxel size
                          with which to close the mask before filling holes.
                          [default: 3.7]
  -d D --dil=D            Controls dilation.
                          **N.B.: it only affects FLAIR DTI!**
                          If a positive number, it will be used as the radius,
                          relative to the maximum voxel size, to dilate with.
                          If a nonnegative number, no dilation will be done.
                          If y or t (case insensitive), mr * nmed will be
                          [default: 0.5]
  -m MR --mr=MR           Radius of the median filter relative to the largest
                          voxel size.
                          [default: 1]
  -n NM --nmed=NM         Number of times to run the median filter
                          [default: 2]
  -s SVC --svc=SVC        Pickle or joblib dump file holding the classifier
                          parameters. (Not used for FLAIR.)
                          [default: RFC_classifier.pickle]
  -w --whiskers           If given, do NOT try harder to trim whiskers.


dmri_segmenter is primarily intended for skull stripping, but it works by classifying voxels as air, scalp/face, eyeball, CSF, brain tissue, or intracranial "other" (e.g. tentorium). Thus, you can get it to segment using either dmri_segment or skullstrip_dmri -b. Just be aware that the sum of CSF, tissue, and other tends to be more accurate than the individual components. Both dmri_segment and skullstrip_dmri, support working from raw data (otherwise there would be a chicken and egg problem), so they avoid certain kinds of calculations that a segmenter designed to work with processed data might use.

Do I really need all those classifiers?

Probably not. The ones included here so far are the same data in different formats, as needed by different python environments.

Python environment Matching Classifier
2 RFC_ADNI6_py27.pickle
3, with onnxruntime RFC_ADNI6_onnx
3, with sklearn < 0.24 and no onnxruntime RFC_ADNI6_sk0p23.pickle
3, with sklearn >= 0.24 and no onnxruntime RFC_ADNI6_sk0p24.pickle

skullstrip_dmri will attempt to load the correct one by default.

Training your own Classifier

dmri_segmenter includes a classifier which was already trained with scans from older adults, but you might want to train a classifier with your own data. Give the stock classifier a try first, though - although dmri_segmenter uses some morphological information that can specialize it to the typical anatomy of the training set, it mostly relies on the mean diffusivity and T2 properties of tissue, which do not change as much from person to person.

While preparing the CDMRI paper[1] we were concerned that a classifier trained with data from one scanner or person might not be applicable to scans from other people or scanners, so we compared classifiers trained with a wide variety of combinations of scanners and subjects. Fortunately, the result was that what mostly matters is that the training scans are relatively free of artifacts and have good spatial resolution. Another way of thinking about it is to consider every voxel as a sample, so a single scan provides hundreds of thousands of samples with a wide variety of conditions. That might be a bit optimistic, but you will find that you want to keep your training and test sets small because of the manual segmentation step.

Making Feature Vectors

When training things are a bit more fragmented than in skull stripping. The first step, making feature vector images, is easily parallelizable with a grid engine.

make_fvecs GE/0/dtb_eddy.nii
make_fvecs GE/1/dtb_eddy.nii
make_fvecs Siemens/0/dtb_eddy.nii
make_fvecs Siemens/1/dtb_eddy.nii
make_fvecs Philips/0/dtb_eddy.nii
make_fvecs Philips/1/dtb_eddy.nii

Making Manual Segmentations

I start with a trial segmentation from the stock classifier and edit the results with fsleyes.

dmri_segment -o GE/0/dmri_segment.nii GE/0/dtb_eddy_fvecs.nii ${path_to_stock_classifier}/RFC_classifier.pickle
#... (parallelizable)

cd GE/0; fsleyes dtb_eddy_fvecs.nii dmri_segment.nii & # Save to dmri_segment_edited.nii
#... (Sadly only parallelizable if using multiple human segmenters)

Running the Trainer

# List the training directories into a file.
echo [GPS]*/* | sed 's/ /\n/g' > all.srclist

time dmri_segmenter/train_from_multiple training.srclist all dtb_eddy_fvecs.nii &
real	1m0.472s
user	1m50.555s
sys	0m6.735s

Comparison to Other Skull Strippers for dMRI

For a detailed but dated comparison of old skullstrip_dmri (v. 1.0.0) to competing older skull strippers, see the 2018 reference below. In the meantime, an interesting deep learning based skull stripper has arrived on the scene: SynthStrip, which is included in FreeSurfer 7+.

Wait, FreeSurfer, you say - does that mean it's for T1-weighted images? Well, sort of. They trained with T1w inputs, but only after applying all sorts of corruptions to the contrast to prevent the network from getting attached to any particular type of contrast. It works quite well with dMRI, and has a similar runtime to dmri_segmenter. (Surprisingly, mri_synthstrip's GPU option seems to make it slower.) The results are different in the details, though. dmri_segmenter deliberately avoids using a neural network, and does not have a strong prior for the overall shape and size of a skull. (It does have expectations for the diffusion properties of tissue and CSF.) SynthStrip is not picky about the contrast, but does have a strong prior of what a skull should look like, and as far as I can tell, EPI distortion was not included in the list of perturbations for the training data. Thus SynthStrip tends to miss parts that have been stretched out by EPI distortion, but on the other hand can get places like under the recti where the signal has completely dropped out. Since there is no signal there anyway, and I am biased, I prefer dmri_segmenter. But if you're lucky enough to not have to deal with severe EPI distortion then SynthStrip offers the convenience of one skull stripper for all scan types.

I also noticed that mri_synthstrip's --no-csf option includes the CSF in the ventricles, which is most of the CSF in older people! I don't think that sort of segmentation is the main point of either mri_synthstrip or dmri_segmenter, though.

Since dmri_segmenter supports using a "T1"-based TIV mask as a prior (that it blurs in the y direction to account for EPI distortion), you can use the output of SynthStrip (or any other stripper that makes a mask .nii) as a suggestion for dmri_segmenter. Unsurprisingly, the result tends to be somewhere between the suggestion and what dmri_segmenter would produce by itself.


The images used to train the default version of the classifier (RFC_ADNI6.pickle) came from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI).

This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.


Reid, R. I. et al. Diffusion Specific Segmentation: Skull Stripping with Diffusion MRI Data Alone. in Computational Diffusion MRI (eds. Kaden, E., Grussu, F., Ning, L., Tax, C. M. W. & Veraart, J.) 6780 (Springer, Cham, 2018). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73839-0_5


Skull stripper for diffusion MRI







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