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Case Studies

Lewis John McGibbney edited this page Nov 18, 2019 · 1 revision

San Juan Coal Mine and Generating Station Campaign


This case study highlights the San Juan Coal Mine and Generating Station Campaign (site name: 4C_Tgt4_11) which was flown on 20th April, 2015 (PI: Christian Frankenberg). The San Juan Mine (owned by Westmoreland San Juan Mining LLC) is located in northwest New Mexico, and is one of the largest underground coal mines in the world. Coal from San Juan is used to fuel the San Juan Generating Station, owned by PNM, the Public Service Company of New Mexico. This case study uses 8 scenes from this campaign as the basis for analysis. Consistent scene attributes have been removed from the table and are as follows. Flight altitude: 9kts, pixel size: 1.1m, rotation: 75. Scene specifics, ordered north to south, are detailed below. Note, no percentge estimate of cloud coverage is provided for this campaign data.

Case Study Flight Lines

Flight Name Date Time SOG* (kts) MCRS++ Samples Lines Solar Elevation Solar Azimuth
ang20150420t185951 4/20/2015 UTC 19:3 100 95 797 14549 64.61 173.44
ang20150420t184333 4/20/2015 UTC 18:47 100 95 807 14473 63.98 164.33
ang20150420t182808 4/20/2015 UTC 18:31 95 95 807 14113 62.94 156.22
ang20150420t181345 4/20/2015 UTC 18:17 108 95 777 14262 61.61 149.17
ang20150420t190759 4/20/2015 UTC 19:12 102 275 781 14510 64.75 178.09
ang20150420t185149 4/20/2015 UTC 18:55 90 275 808 14636 64.39 168.93
ang20150420t183606 4/20/2015 UTC 18:40 101 275 764 14500 63.55 160.35
ang20150420t182050 4/20/2015 UTC 18:24 102 275 739 14674 62.33 152.57
  • SOG - Speed Over Ground ++ MCRS - tbd

Fort McMurray Campaign


This case study highlights the Fort McMurray campaign (site name: AB_B08_L012_FL187_FtMcMurray) which was flown on 11-12th Aug, 2017 (PI: Charles Miller). Although the Campaign is named after the urban service area Fort McMurray, Alberta, CA, the majority of data aquisitions were obtained over nearby Tar Island and Fort MacKay locations. This case study uses 12 scenes from this campaign as the basis for analysis. Consistent scene attributes have been removed from the table and are as follows. Flight altitude: 17.5kts, cloud coverage: 0%, pixel size: 4.9m, rotation: 86. Scene specifics, ordered north to south, are detailed below.

Case Study Flight Lines

Flight Name Date Time SOG* (kts) MCRS++ Samples Lines Solar Elevation Solar Azimuth
ang20170811t202652 8/11/2017 UTC 23:41 177 258 669 10478 43.41 199.69
ang20170811t203901 8/11/2017 UTC 9:50 166 077 671 10306 44 204.87
ang20170811t205134 8/11/2017 UTC 15:0 174 258 666 10363 44.73 208.06
ang20170811t210417 8/11/2017 UTC 21:54 163 077 667 10328 45.58 212.25
ang20170811t211724 8/11/2017 UTC 9:41 172 258 669 10354 46.57 216.42
ang20170811t212940 8/11/2017 UTC 2:42 160 077 666 10326 47.59 220.23
ang20170811t214252 8/11/2017 UTC 19:23 172 258 662 10386 48.77 224.18
ang20170811t215536 8/11/2017 UTC 14:19 172 077 666 10346 50.01 227.92
ang20170811t220814 8/11/2017 UTC 18:40 185 258 660 10395 51.3 231.46
ang20170811t222101 8/11/2017 UTC 12:58 164 077 670 10330 52.69 234.98
ang20170812t180805 8/12/2017 UTC 12:2 158 077 677 10359 45.01 150.95
ang20170812t182138 8/12/2017 UTC 12:17 165 258 670 10369 44.15 155.46
  • SOG - Speed Over Ground ++ MCRS - tbd