This is a super easy and fast configurable crawler.
It is based on two main objects:
- Archive (the page containg the list of produts, and the pagination links)
- Single (the page containing the single product, with ipotetical title, image and all fields you need)
composer require capimichi/crawler
The crawler is very fast to use, all you need is to include autoload.php file:
include_once '/path/to/src/autoload.php'
then you can create your crawler like this:
use Crawler\CrawlerBuilder;
use Crawler\Selector;
use Crawler\SelectorTypes;
use Crawler\Single\Fields\FieldBuilder;
use Crawler\Single\Fields\FieldTypes;
$crawlerBuilder = (new CrawlerBuilder())->addStartingUrl("")
->addItemSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "product-item-info"))
->addItemSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "product"))
->addNextpageSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "pages-items"))
->addNextpageSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "next"));
$field = (new FieldBuilder(FieldTypes::STRING))->setName("title")
->addSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::TAGNAME, "h1"))->build();
$crawler = $crawlerBuilder->build();
$archives = $crawler->getArchives();
$items = $crawler->getItems();
$export = array();
foreach($items as $item){
array_push($export, $item->getExport());
Here the explanation of the code:
CrawlerBuilder let you add starting urls to your crawler with method:
then you can add items selectors, in our example we ad an archive like this:
<ul class="products">
<li class="product-item-info"><a class="product" href="/url-to-item"></a>...</li>
<li class="product-item-info"><a class="product" href="/url-to-item"></a>...</li>
<li class="product-item-info"><a class="product" href="/url-to-item"></a>...</li>
so we added these selectors:
addItemSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "product-item-info"))
addItemSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "product"))
Our page had pagination like this:
<ul class="pages-items">
<li class="item"><a class="page" href="/url-to-item">1</a></li>
<li class="item"><a class="page" href="/url-to-item">2</a></li>
<li class="item"><a class="next" href="/url-to-item">Next page</a></li>
so we added these selectors:
addNextpageSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "pages-items"))
addNextpageSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::CLASSNAME, "next")
Note: The selectors order is important, and it should be as specific as possible
Then our example had pages of single products like this:
<div class="product">
<h1>Title of our product</h1>
<img src="/image.png">
we liked to grab only the title of the product, so we added this field:
$field = (new FieldBuilder(FieldTypes::STRING))->setName("title")
->addSelector(new Selector(SelectorTypes::TAGNAME, "h1"))->build();
Then we created the crawler with build method:
$crawler = $crawlerBuilder->build();
and now we can get all needed informations:
$archives = $crawler->getArchives();
$items = $crawler->getItems();
$export = array();
foreach($items as $item){
array_push($export, $item->getExport());