Welcome to the Repository, a captivating MERN e-commerce application built with React and Node.js. This full-stack app features a user-friendly frontend and a powerful backend capable of handling high traffic volumes. Explore our admin, server, and frontend folders to take control of users, products, orders, and reviews. Experience seamless account creation, product browsing, wishlisting, and review dropping. Join us in redefining the e-commerce experience.
STORE DEMO: https://mern-gadget-store.onrender.com/
ADMIN DEMO: https://mern-admin-5vo2.onrender.com/
- User-friendly frontend with a responsive design
- Powerful backend that can handle a high volume of traffic
- Integration with popular e-commerce APIs
- User authentication and authorization
- Product catalog with search and filtering options
- Shopping cart functionality
- Secure payment processing with Stripe integration
- User Account Management
- Admin panel for managing products, categories, and orders
- Responsive design for optimal user experience on all devices
- Frontend: React.js, Redux, Bootstrap, MUI, Stripe, Animate.css, Axios, Firebase, Moment, React-Image-Gallery, Swiper, Recharts.js.
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Axios, Body-Parser, Cors, Crypto-js, dotenv, jsonwebtoken, Mongoose, Nodemailer, Stripe.
- Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Firebase
- Payment Gateway: Stripe
- Deployment: Cylic, Render
Before running the application, ensure that you have the following requirements met:
- Node.js (v12 or above) and npm installed on your machine
- MongoDB instance or a connection string for a hosted MongoDB database
- Stripe account for payment processing
- Git for cloning the repositor
To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:
Clone the repository:
Code snippet
git clone https://github.com/Nuellity/e-commerce-fullstack.git
Install Frontend dependencies:
Code snippet
cd e-commerce-fullstack/frontend
npm install
Install Admin dependencies:
Code snippet
cd e-commerce-fullstack/admin
npm install
Install Backend dependencies:
Code snippet
cd e-commerce-fullstack
npm install
Then, start the development server:
Code snippet
cd e-commerce-fullstack
npm run dev
The store application will be available at http://localhost:3000
The admin application will be available at http://localhost:3001
To run the tests, run the following command:
Code snippet
npm run test
To deploy the application, you can use a service like Render or Cyclic.
This project utilizes the following dependencies:
Click to expand!
- React (v16.8.0 or above)
- Redux (v4.0.0 or above)
- React Redux (v7.1.0 or above)
- React Router DOM (v5.0.0 or above)
- Bootstrap (v4.0.0 or above)
- Axios (v0.18.0 or above)
- Formik (v6.0.0 or above)
- Yup (v1.0.0 or above)
- Recharts (v2.0.0)
- FontAwesome
- Styled-Components (v5.0.0 or above)
- Material-UI Icons (v5.0.0 or above)
- Material-UI (v5.0.0 or above)
- React Toastify (v7.0.0 or above)
- Stripe (v1.16.0 or above)
- Moment (v2.0.0 or above)
- Animate.css (v4.0.0 or above)
- Swiper (v8.0.0 or above)
Click to expand!
- Node.js (v12 or above)
- Express.js (v4.17.1 or above)
- MongoDB (v4.0.0 or above)
- Mongoose (v5.10.0 or above)
- Crypto-js (v4.0.0 or above)
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) (v8.5.1 or above)
- Stripe (v11.0.0 or above)
- Nodemailer (v6.4.11 or above)
- Dotenv (v10.0.0 or above)
- Concurrently (v6.2.0 or above)
Please refer to the respective documentation and official websites for more information on each dependency and its usage.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or a pull request if you have any ideas for improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.