Version 2.0.0
This contract provides multiple functionalities:
- Users can register to become a badge issuer,
- Issuer can create/update badge and assign to badge owner
- Badge owner can create new certification based on the created badge
- Badge owner can create new certification and issue to users
- Badge owner can create new certification and reserved it for non CAN account
- Users who just have CAN account can claim badge which belong to them under verification from crypto-badge
- User can choose to public certification detail
cd cryptobadge
eosio-cpp -abigen -I include -contract cryptobadge -o cryptobadge.wasm src/cryptobadge.cpp
- Install eosio testing framework hydra and login into it:
npm i -g @klevoya/hydra
hydra login
- Install yarn packages:
yarn install
cd cryptobadge
- Run test:
Run all unit test
yarn test
Run test file:
yarn test cryptobadge.test.ts
WARING Because test need to send many request to hydra server, test timeout error may sometime happend. Make sure your network connection is stable to run this test.
- Indicates that a particular account wishes to become a issuer
- issuer account registering to be a badge issuer who has permission to create badge
- data sha256 of issuer info
- issuer account owner of issuer
- data sha256 updated issuer info
- Create a new badge
- issuer the account registering as a issuer
- badge_id the id of badge, should be unique in scope of issuer
- name the name of badge
- image_url the url of badge
- path the path of badge
- description the description of badge
- criteria the criteria of badge
- Update badge
- issuer account has created badge
- badge_id id of badge
- name the name of badge
- image_url the url of badge
- path the path of badge
- description the description of badge
- criteria the criteria of badge
- Create a new certification
- issuer account whose onwer of badge_id
- owner account whose certification owner
- badge_id badge id for certification
- badge_revision the version of badge use for create certificate
- cert_id certification id for certification, should be unique in scope of owner
- encrypted_data ceritification encrypted data
- expire_at expire time of certification as epoch second
- require_claim true or false. If disabled, upon creation, the certification will be transfered to owner but issuer'S memory will be used until the certification is transferred again). If enabled issuer will remain the owner, but an offer will be created for the account specified in the owner field to claim the certification using the account's RAM.
- claimer account whose onwer of certification
- issuer issuer of certification
- cert_id certification to claim. The action will be failed if cert_id does not exist
- Note : claimer must pay RAM for certification if they do this action
- update certification state to EXPIRED
- updater current certification issuer account
- cert_id certification to expire
- Note: Can not update if certification's expire_at > now
- update certification state to REVOKE
- issuer issuer of certification
- cert_id certification to expire
- encrypted_data updated encrypted data of certification with revocation reason
- Note: Can not update if certification's expire_at > now