This template uses the PowerShell DSC extension to deploy a fully configured Always On Availability Group with SQL Server replicas.
This template creates the following resources:
- 1 storage account for the diagnostics
- 1 internal load balancer
- 1 availability set for SQL Server and Witness virtual machines
- 3 virtual machines in a Windows Server Cluster
- 2 SQL Server edition replicas with an availability group
- 1 virtual machine is a File Share Witness for the Cluster
Original code modified from SQL VM Alwayson Cluster (>
The following security controls can be met through configuration of this template:
- Information at Rest: SC-28, SC-28 (1).
- SQL Transation Backup: CP-10 (2).
To fully meet Information at Rest controls you should run Disk Encryption post install.
The deployment assumes the following items are already deployed:
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"containerSasToken": {
"value": "[SasToken]"
"keyVaultConfig": {
"value": {
"existingRGName": "Demo-Shared-CRM-KeyVault-RG",
"existingVaultName": "Demo-CRMSQL-Keyvault",
"localAdminPasswordSecret": "server2016DefaultPassword",
"domainAdminPasswordSecret": "adDefaultPassword"
"vnetConfig": {
"value": {
"existingVnetName": "Demo-Infra-NetShared-VNET",
"existingVnetRG": "Demo-Infra-NetShared-RG",
"sqlSubnet": "",
"dbSubnetName": "DB-CRM"
"location": {
"value": "canadacentral"
"adminUsername": {
"value": "azureadmin"
"value": "DemoShdDC01"
"sqlServerConfig": {
"value": {
"ClusterIp": "",
"sqlLBIPAddress": "",
"sqlAOListenerPort": "1433",
"deploymentPrefix": "Demo-CRMSQL",
"vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2",
"vmName": "Demo-CRMSQL",
"patchingConfig": {
"autoPatchingEnabled": true,
"autoPatchingDay": "Sunday",
"autoPatchingStartHour": "2",
"autoPatchingMainenanceWindowDuration": 60,
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true
"backupConfig": {
"backupEnabled": true,
"RetentionPeriod": 30,
"EnableEncryption": true
"imageReference": {
"sqlImagePublisher": "MicrosoftSQLServer",
"offer": "SQL2016SP2-WS2016",
"sku": "Enterprise",
"version": "latest"
"dataDisks": {
"numberOfSqlVMDisks": "2",
"diskSizeGB": "1024"
"workloadType": "OLTP",
"sqlServerServiceAccountUserName": "svc-crmsql",
"sqlStorageAccountName": "crmsqlstorage01",
"sqlStorageAccountType": "Standard_LRS",
"sqlDatabases": "ReportServer",
"sqlServerServiceAccountPassword": "sqlServerServiceAccountPassword",
"enableAcceleratedNetworking": true
"witnessServerConfig": {
"value": {
"vmSize": "Standard_DS2_v2",
"vmName": "Demo-CRMSQLW",
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
"offer": "WindowsServer",
"sku": "2016-Datacenter",
"version": "latest"
"dataDisks": {
"diskSizeGB": "128"
"sqlStorageAccountType": "Standard_LRS",
"enableAcceleratedNetworking": true
"value": {
"domainName": "",
"accountOUPath": "OU=Service Accounts,OU=Demo,DC=shared,DC=Demo,DC=Demo,DC=gc,DC=ca,DC=local"
"backupConfig": {
"value": {
"existingBackupVaultRG": "Demo-Shared-CRM-Backup-RG",
"existingBackupVaultName": "Demo-Shared-CRM-Backup-Vault",
"existingBackupPolicy": "DailyBackupPolicy"
"tagValues": {
"value": {
"workload": "Database",
"owner": "[email protected]",
"businessUnit": "Demo-CCC",
"costCenterOwner": "Demo-EA",
"environment": "Sandbox",
"classification": "Unclassified",
"version": "0.1"
Name | Type | Required | Value |
containerSasToken | string | No | A SaS token for the private blob storage |
keyVaultConfig | object | Yes | Information about the existing keyVault to useKeyVaultConfig Object |
vnetConfig | object | Yes | Information about the existing vnet to usevnetConfig Object |
location | string | No | The location to deploy the resources - canadacentral, canadaeast. Default is canadacentral |
adminUserName | string | Yes | The local administrator name to use for the VM. |
domainUserName | string | Yes | The local administrator name to use for joining the domain and creating the service accounts. |
dnsServerName | string | Yes | The existing DNS Server name. |
sqlServerConfig | object | Yes | The SQL Server configuration options for the primary and secondary server- sqlServerConfig object |
witnessServerConfig | object | Yes | The SQL witness configuration options - witnessServerConfig object. |
adConfig | string | object | The Active Directory configuration. - adConfig object |
backupConfig | object | Yes | The backup configuration. backupConfig Object |
tagValues | object | No | The tags to set for the deployment. - tagValues object |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
existingRGName | string | Yes | The name of the existing keyvault resource group |
existingVaultName | string | Yes | The name of the existing keyvault to use |
localAdminPasswordSecret | string | Yes | The name of the secret where the password is stored for local admin password |
domainAdminPasswordSecret | string | Yes | The name of the secret where the password is stored for a domain account that can be used to create service accounts and to join the domain |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
existingVnetName | string | Yes | The name of the existing virtual network where sql will reside |
existingVnetRG | string | Yes | The name of the existing virtual network resource group |
sqlSubnet | string | Yes | The subnet address range for where SQL will reside |
dbSubnetName | string | Yes | The name of the subnet where SQL will reside |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
ClusterIp | string | Yes | The IP to use for the SQL cluster. |
sqlLBIPAddress | string | Yes | The IP to use for the SQL load balencer |
sqlLBName | string | Yes | The name to use for the SQL load balencer |
sqlAOListenerPort | string | Yes | The port for the alwayson listener |
deploymentPrefix | string | Yes | The deployment prefix to use for the naming standard of the objects. |
vmSize | enum | Yes | Specifies the size of the virtual machine. For more information about virtual machine sizes, see Sizes for virtual machines. |
vmName" | string | Yes | The name of the VM to use |
patchingConfig | object | Yes | The patching settings for the VM - patchingConfig oject |
sqlBackupConfig | object | Yes | The backup settings for the VM - sqlBackupConfig oject |
imageReference | object | Yes | The image settings for the VM - imageReference object |
dataDisks | object | Yes | The data disk settings for the VM - dataDisks object |
workloadType | enum | Yes | The workload type for SQL - GENERAL, OLTP, DW |
sqlServerServiceAccountUserName | string | Yes | The name to use for the SQL service account |
sqlStorageAccountName | string | Yes | The name of the storage account for SQL |
sqlStorageAccountType | enum | Yes | The storage type to use for the disks - Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS, UltraSSD_LRS |
sqlDatabases | string | Yes | The name of the first database to create with always on |
sqlServerServiceAccountPassword | string | Yes | The name of the keyvault secret where service account password is stored |
enableAcceleratedNetworking | bool | Yes | Indicates if to use accelerated networking or not. |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
vmSize | enum | Yes | Specifies the size of the virtual machine. For more information about virtual machine sizes, see Sizes for virtual machines. |
vmName | string | Yes | The name of the SQL cluster. |
imageReference | object | Yes | The image settings for the VM - imageReference object |
dataDisks | object | Yes | The data disk settings for the VM - dataDisks object |
sqlStorageAccountType | enum | Yes | The type of storage to use. - Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Standard_ZRS, Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS |
enableAcceleratedNetworking | bool | Yes | Indicates if to use accelerated networking or not. |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
domainName | string | Yes | The domain to join the servers to. |
serverOUPath | string | Yes | The OU Path to join the servers to. |
accountOUPath | string | Yes | The OU Path to create the service accounts. |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
existingBackupVaultRG | string | Yes | The name of the existing backup vault resource group. |
existingBackupVaultName | string | Yes | The name of the existing backup vault. |
existingBackupPolicy | string | Yes | The name of the existing backup policy to use. |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
tagname1 | string | No | tag1 value |
... | ... | ... | ... |
tagnameX | string | No | tagX value |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
autoPatchingEnabled | bool | Yes | Indicates if auto patching should be enabled |
autoPatchingDay | string | Yes | The day of the week to do the patching |
autoPatchingStartHour | string | Yes | The hour to start the patching |
autoPatchingMainenanceWindowDuration | int | Yes | The maintenance window duration in minutes |
autoUpgradeMinorVersion | bool | Yes | Indicates if to apply minor updates |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
backupEnabled | bool | Yes | Indicates if backup should be enabled on the VM |
RetentionPeriod | int | Yes | Specifies the retention period of the encryption |
EnableEncryption | bool | Yes | Indicates if to enable encryption or not |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
sqlImagePublisher | string | Yes | The name of the image publisher |
offer | string | Yes | The SQL image to use |
sku | enum | Yes | The SQL sku to use - Enterprise,Express, SQLDEV, Standard, Web |
version | string | Yes | The sql template version to use. Use "latest" for the most current |
Name | Type | Required | Value |
numberOfSqlVMDisks | int | Yes | The number of data disks to create |
diskSizeGB | string | Yes | The size of the disk in GB |
*File Share Witness and SQL Server VMs are from the same Availability Set and currently there is a constraint for mixing DS-Series machine, DS_v2-Series machine and GS-Series machine into the same Availability Set. If you decide to have DS-Series SQL Server VMs you must also have a DS-Series File Share Witness; If you decide to have GS-Series SQL Server VMs you must also have a GS-Series File Share Witness; If you decide to have DS_v2-Series SQL Server VMs you must also have a DS_v2-Series File Share Witness.
- In default settings for compute require that you have at least 15 cores of free quota to deploy.
*This has been tested with the following skus SQL2016SP2-WS2016 and SQL2017-WS2016.
For a list of images run the following in Powershell:
Get-AzureRMVMImageOffer -Location "canadacentral" -Publisher "MicrosoftSqlServer" | Select Offer
For a list of image skus run the following in Powershell:
Get-AzureRmVMImageSku -Location "canadacentral"-Publisher "MicrosoftSQLServer" -Offer "SQL2016SP2-WS2016" | Select Skus
- Option for moving the cluster to an Azure Blob
- Integrate the keystore for the server certificates
- Research having cluster communication on seperate private network (best practice)
- Modify template to use servers templates
Date | Change |
2019-01-22 | Modified template to use existing network instead of creating a new one. |
Modified template to use existing Active Directory instead of creating a new one. | |
Added keyvault integration. | |
Switched storage to managed disks. | |
Removed Public IP's. | |
Added backup and antimalare extensions at post deploy. | |
Added retry loop to start availablity listener in CreateFailOvercluster DSC. | |
Updated DSC packages for xSQL and xComputerManagement. | |
Added code in DSC files to join servers at a passed in OU path. | |
Added code to DSC to add the cluster permisions at the OU Path so Availability Lister could auto join | |
2019-05-08 | Updated documentation and switch to new sql-server type. |
2019-05-15 | Made container Sas token optional |
Added support for naming the sql LB |