A collection of my dotfiles, as well as other customization steps to be taken when setting up a new OSX or Linux environment.
You can pipe the install script directly to bash with the following (if you aren't me, you probably want to be careful doing this and understand what this script does before running it on your machine).
curl -fL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cameronhr/dotfiles/main/init.sh | bash
Run it from the directory that you want the dotfiles repo cloned into.
- Correct vim solarized colour display in Terminal: Open a Terminal window and modify the Profile (Edit -> Preferences -> Profiles in Ubuntu 18.04) Select 'Solarized Dark' for both 'Built-in schemes' and 'Palette'
- Bind
: Install Tweaks tool:sudo apt-get install -yq gnome-tweak-tool && gnome-tweaks
Click through: 'Keyboard & Mouse -> Additional Layout Options -> Caps Lock behavior'
- Remap caps lock to ctrl: System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys
- Turn off the dumb Force Click / haptic feedback garbage in the trackpad: System Preferences -> Trackpad