Student Mark Management System (Python)
Overview The Student Mark Management System is a desktop application developed in Python with a custom Tkinter frontend for managing and tracking student grades and academic performance. The application uses an SQL database to store and retrieve student information and grades.
- User Interface with Tkinter Custom Tkinter-based graphical user interface for easy interaction. Intuitive design for teachers and administrators to navigate through features seamlessly.
- Student Profile Management Create, update, and delete student profiles with personal details. Manage academic information such as courses and enrollment details.
- Course and Subject Management Define courses and subjects for each academic term. Assign teachers to specific subjects.
- Grade Entry and Calculation Enter and update student grades for each subject using Tkinter forms. Automatically calculate total marks, percentage, and assign grades.
- Report Generation Generate printable individual student reports with detailed academic performance. View class-wise performance reports.
- Database Integration with SQL Utilize SQL database for data storage and retrieval. Schema design to store student profiles, courses, subjects, and grades.
Technologies Used- Frontend: Custom Tkinter Backend: Python Database: SQL (e.g., SQLite) Version Control: Git
How to Contribute Fork the repository. Clone the forked repository to your local machine. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. Make your changes and commit them. Push your changes to your fork on GitHub. Submit a pull request to the original repository.
Installation and Setup Clone the repository to your local machine. Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt. Set up the SQL database and configure the connection details. Run the application using python
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.