- Code to initialize RDS database tables, AWS Lambda Functions, and an API Gateway
- AWS CloudFormation templates for configuring AWS environment
This lambda function mediates the transfer of the following information between API Gateway and Amazon RDS:
- rewards
- behaviors
- locations
- juveniles
- transactions
- modifications (to point totals)
This supports an API to create/delete a user, or to set a current user as active or inactive in the database.
This function modifies a user's point totals, by increasing/decreasing, or performing an administrative update to the point total.
This is a Cognito Trigger that is invoked upon sign-up, restricting the access of credentials to a set of email domains.
To update and publish lambda function code form the CLI (AWS CLI installation required):
zip -r zipFile.zip <lambdaFunctionName> [...]
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name <lambdaFunctionName> --zip-file fileb://zipFile.zip
extra 'files' to include in zip -> pymysql, utility.py
.sql scripts are supplied here to initialize the database with Tables as well as populate the tables with test data or rewards, locations, etc. data.