The main goal is to have a VERY simple tool to make small operations on shapefiles from the shell
Script para gerar "centroids" de polígonos a partir de um shapefile.
Os atributos da "feature" (registro) são copiados dos polígonos para os pontos
[en] Generated centroids (points) from polygons shapefiles while copying all source attributes to the new sahpefile attributes.
[pt] Gera "centroids" (pontos) a partir de um shapefile de polígonos, copiando todos os atributos para o novo shapefile.
# in your shell
$ python3 getplot_centroids -f <path-to-shapefile.SHP>
The result is a new shapefile containing 1 layer of points (cetroids)
Polygons | Centroids |
All the attibutes are copied too to the new shape
Unifica Geometrias de Polígonos
$ brew install gdal
on your preferable enviroment
$ pip install gdal==<same_version_brew_gdal>
then try
from osgeo import gdal