release candidate 8 for version 0.1.0 - changes since: 2024-05-17
- standalone: early version for testing download page: https://cables.gl/downloads
- standalone: fix assetpath explorer opening on windows
- standalone: use fileurls for assetports
- standalone: do not show offline indicator in standalone
- standalone: welcome tab shows cables events
- standalone: welcome tab shows current version and newest downloadable release version
- standalone: make changed patches closable on windows and linux
- standalone: fix file extensions in windows when saving patch
- standalone: fix popout canvas and ExternalCanvas
- standalone: watch assets for changes from external tools/editors
- standalone: watch opcode for changes from external editors/IDEs
- standalone: set assetpath to relative path if next to cables-project-file
- standalone: fix problem with closing app on windows/linux
- standalone: fix popout-canvas
- standalone: change confising wording of "toggle fullscreen", use command palette to toggle app fullscreen
- standalone: fix filename extensions duplicate dot after save on windows
- standalone: add backslach to op-title font to display filenames correctly on windows
- standalone: hide offline indicator
- standalone: open native file dialog when uploading asset via files tab
- standalone: store assetpaths as relative when next to projectfile
- standalone: show used assets and locations in files-tab
- standalone: open opdir instead of texteditor when clicking on folder icon
- standalone: fix crash when going fullscreen on linux
- standalone: fix assetpaths of library files and file urls on windows
- standalone: show preview image and asset info for files and library files
- standalone: fix "patch has been updated" showing when saving subpatchops
- standalone: fix permissions in editoriframe (webcam, midi, ...) and osx "entitlements"
- standalone: make httprequest work with fileurls and use as default fallback op
- standalone: make native node modules (like "path" and "fs") work in ops
- standalone: cleanup handling of keyboard shortcuts, reduce menu
- standalone: fix op being executed twice when working with cables-editor
- standalone: fix crash when adding op directory
- standalone: speed up reaction time of code- and assetwatchers
- standalone: unify handling of asset-urls, always use file://
- standalone: fix a bug where path to index.html was undefined on startup
New Ops
- new op: Ops.Array.ArrayLookup - Create an array that is filled with values looked up by index from another array
- new op: Ops.Array.ArraySetString - New op
- new op: Ops.Array.NumbersToArrayMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Array.SwitchArrayMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Cables.GetSubPatchName -
- new op: Ops.Gl.Textures.SwitchTextureMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Json.ArraySetObjectValues - Updates each object in an array with new data from a corresponding array, based on a specified key
- new op: Ops.Json.SwitchObjectMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Number.SwitchNumberMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Number.SwitchNumberMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.String.ConcatMultiPort - new op
- new op: Ops.String.StringsToArrayMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.String.SwitchStringMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Trigger.NumberByTriggerMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Trigger.RouteTriggerMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Trigger.SequenceMultiPort -
- new op: Ops.Ui.Debug.PatchUiCoords -
- new op: Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteTrigger -
- new op: Ops.Ui.VizTrigger - Visualize triggering for debugging reasons
Op Improvements
- feature: Ops.Array.Array3PointEditor - Added functionality to copy coordinates from index to the current point
- feature: Ops.Gl.Textures.NoiseTexture - Added random parameters for alpha channel
- improvement: Ops.Gl.Textures.WebcamTexture_v3 - Set parentelement to non canvas so popout/external canvas can continue to work
- improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Presets_v2 - add op title to preset json
- improvement: Ops.Ui.VizTextureTable - show coordinates of each pixel color table
- bugfix: Ops.Anim.InOutInAnim - fixed crash when duration was 0 row
- feature: Ops.Html.CompareImages_v2 - Trigger to start comparing images
- feature: Ops.Json.HttpRequest_v3 - Add option to output binary base64 string
- improvement: Ops.Cables.UploadAsset - Fix problems with data urls
- improvement: Ops.Gl.Texture_v2 - Cachebuster option default value is now false. turn on to force a reload of the image every time
- improvement: Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureToBase64_v5 - Update only after texture has changed
- improvement: Ops.Json.HttpRequest_v3 - Fixed loading status for binary requests
- improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v2 - Added Increment/Decrement trigger inputs
- improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v2 - Added reset button
- improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v2 - Added toggle to greyout
- improvement: Ops.String.Base64.Base64Encode_v2 - Add mime input port, e.g. "image/svg+xml" or "image/jpeg"
- improvement: Ops.String.Base64.Base64Encode_v2 - Always output data url
- bugfix: Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfScene_v4 - Fix bug: GLTF meshes were not rendering the first time it was executed
- bugfix: Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v6 - Fix bug with text not rendered on first frame
- improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Presets_v2 - add op title to preset json
- improvement: Ops.Ui.VizTextureTable - show coordinates of each pixel color table row
- feature: Ops.Html.CSS_v3 - added nesting parameter
Op Renames
- deprecation: Ops.Deprecated.Gl.ShaderEffects.ColorizeInstancedMeshes - op was deprecated
- editor: added trigger->number port conversion suggestions
- editor: added more conversion suggestions when connecting incompatible port types
- editor: added multiport/longport functionality
- editor: fixed: patchfield font character database could not display a backslash
- editor: hovering cable still show portname when hovering
- editor: fix loading libraries of copypasted ops
- editor: port type conversion now can show multiple options (e.g. numberToString and boolToString)
- editor: show selected background color like normal ops also on comment and area ops
- editor: fix problems with zombie error indicators
- editor: check link time warnings when gui finished loading...
- editor: jobs view: if loadings job was initiated by an op you can click it to focus op
- editor: add "copy to clipboard" button to file details section in files-tab
- editor: hide old versions and deprecated ops in teamnamespaces and extension preview in opselect
- editor: hide empty team list on patch settings page
- editor: newly created ops will have "MIT" as a default license
- editor: string and number ports now have a context menu helper to create basic default op, e.g."create number op"
- editor: fixed rendering cable residue after moving operators
- editor: fix positioning of operators when creating subpatch ops
- editor: fix sawtooth rendering artifacts on cables in some subpatches
- editor: patch summary now shows a no write access icon next to the patch title
- editor: op editor is greyed out in untrusted patches
- editor: several menu options are greyed out, if you don't have write access
- editor: fix problem with transform gizmos on HDPI screens in some cases
- editor: clicking into a cables now gives you an option to rerouting the cables
- editor: creating area will give more spacing/padding to the top
- editor: fix bug where shift clicking ops would not show the correct multi selected panel
- editor: creating new cable with default string op will copy over the original value