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BashML is a Machine Learning library developed entirely in bash


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BashML Library

BashML is a Machine Learning library developed entirely in bash.

The purpose of the library is to run on embedded or restricted Linux devices that lack support for higher-level programming languages and where disk space and memory may be limited or package installation not possible or difficult. The benefits include:

  • zero install
  • zero config
  • single dependency (bash)
  • easy to use
  • composition friendly (pipes)
  • universally applicable to multitude of ML problems
  • multi-platform
  • light-weight (~800 lines of code, ~19kB)

The solution has been tested on MacOS, Ubuntu Linux, Windows (Git-bash), Android, RaspberryPi, and OpenWrt.

The following models are currently supported.

General Design

BashML is designed to take advatage of pipes and basic input/output handling.

Calculations are done with the bc command as bash only supports integer arithmetic natively. Simple sed,awk, and tr commands, combined with cat, echo and printf comprise the bulk of the code. All these commands are pre-installed with bash on most Unix/Linux systems, including MacOS.

Multipe Linear Regression

MLR models are simple yet powerful, in that most supervised feature and output vector ML formulations can be expressed as MLR models. BashML supports training and execution of MLR models using ordinary least squares (OLS) fitting.

See: ols,mlr


Similarly QL is the simplest form or reinforcement learning, yet it is generally applicable to many RL problems.

See: ql

Decision Trees and Random Forest

Desicion Trees also lend themselves to simple training and execution of many classification problems. BashML implements the ID3 algorithm as well as a Random Forest feature bagging algorithm.

See: id3,dt,rf

Logistic Regression

LR models are popular when the outcomes are probabilities of events. Although similar to MLR the fitting is quite different as it uses gradient descent.

See: lr

Generic Math Functions

To avoid external dependencies some generic math functions have been implemented, including:

Portability Functions

Although many of the basic built-in utilities on Linux are standardized by POSIX or defacto standard in GNU Core utilities they may not all be present on some of the stripped down flavors and forks of Linux. Hence, some simple portability functions were implemented to provide cross-platform support without having to install additional packages. The bc, shuf, and diff commands have been reimplemented with simpler awk-based commands as bcg, shufg and diffg. The bc command is frequently used and performance sensitive, so the tools will detect if it is present on the system and if so use it instead of the bcg version based on awk, which tends to be a bit slower.

Usage Example

To use the library first put the bin directory in your path, e.g.:

export PATH=`pwd`/bin:PATH

To train an MLR model put the training feature data in a file, called, e.g. X:

1 7 560
1 3 220
1 3 340
1 4 80
1 6 150
1 7 330

and the training output data in a file called, e.g. y:


Now train the model as follows:

cat X | bashml ols $(cat y | arg) > beta

The fitted coefficients would then be written to a file called beta.

Now you can make predictions with the model as follows:

echoe "1 5 90" | bashml mlr beta

echoe is just a short hand for echo -e. You may pass in many feature vectors to predict in a batch to mlr.

Matrices are passed into commands as space-separated columns and newline separated rows on stdin, or as an argument using space separated columns and comma separated rows. There is a convenience function called arg that allows for conversion between stdin represenation and arg representation.

Command Reference


Fits a feature matrix and output vector using olr and returns estimated coefficients for prediction. Fearure matrix is passed on stdin and output vector on arg. Example:

echoe "3 3.5\n3.2 3.6" | bashml ols 1,2 > betatest


Predicts using a MLR model trained with the ols command. Feature matrix is input and name of file that holds coefficent predictions from ols is the only arg. Example:

echoe "1 5" | bashml mlr betatest


This command performs Q-table based reinforcement learning. A qtable can be initiated with:

bashml ql <ACTIONS> <STATES>

The output is a 0-filled matrix that should be passed in to the command for training. To train pass in the curretn qtable on stdin as follows:

echoe "$qtable" | bashml ql <action> <state> <reward> <next_state> <alpha> <gamma>

To make prediction pass in the qtable on stdin and the current state as the only arg.

echoe "$qtable" | bashml ql <current_state>

The following example initializes a qtable with 3 actions and 3 states, trains it by setting reward 0.234 for action 2 and state 3 and next_state 2, with alpha 0.1 and gamma 0.1. Finally it predicts the best action to take in state 3.

bashml ql 3 3 | bashml ql 2 3 0.234 2 0.1 0.1 | bashml ql 3


This command creates a decision tree encoded as a bash script. To train a model you pass in a table with headers and the last column as decision variable. E.g.

cat data/decision.dat | MAXLEVEL=5 bashml id3 > && chmod u+x

MAXLEVEL denotes the number of levels of the tree generated. The default is 10. Predictions can then be made as follows:

Outlook=Rain Wind=Strong ./

All headers in the training table become environment variables during prediction.


This command makes a prediction for a decision tree model encoded as a bash script (see id3 command above). The command takes as input on stdin a table with a header where the columns correspond to the parameters in the model, and the path to the model file as the only command line argument. For example:

cat data/student_predict.dat | bashml dt data/


This command trains a random forest of ID3 trees:

cat data/student_scores.dat | bashml rf TREE_ID

where TREE_ID is the tree ID that needs to be used for predictions.

TREE_COLUMNS and TREES can be passed as environment variables to specify how many feature columns should be samples in each tree and how may trees should be generated, respectively.

To make predictions pass the environment variable PREDICT=yes to pick the majority classification. It is equivalent to the dt command for individual trees.

cat data/student_predict.dat | PREDICT="yes" bashml rf TREE_ID

where TREE_ID is the tree ID that was used during training.


This command takes a two column table as input on stdin and computes the entropy of column 1 on column 2.

echoe "1 2\n3 4" | bashml entropy


This command takes a two column table as input on stdin and computes the information gain of all attribute values of column 1 on column 2.

echoe "1 2\n3 4" | bashml gain


This command takes a multi column table as input on stdin and computes the column with max information gain on the last column.

echoe "1 2 4\n3 4 5" | bashml maxgain


This command trains and predicts with Logistic Regression models. As input you pass in the feature matrix on stdin as a space separated columns and line separated row table. The outcome vector which must be of the same size as the number of rows in the feature matrix is passed in as a command line argument where each element is separated by space.

To train a model use the following:

cat data/logreg_example.dat | ITERATIONS=2 bashml lr 1 0 1 0

It will output the model parameters, ofthen referred to as theta that then can be passed in during predictions as follows:

cat data/logreg_test.dat | PREDICT="yes" bashml lr 0.0525194  -0.0092348  -0.01250607

Predictions are probabilities, where the returned vector elements correspond to the rows in the input.


Computes the dot product of two vectors passed in as rows in stdin format, e.g.:

echoe "1 2 3\n4 5 6" | bashml dot


Multiplies two matrices. First matrix is passed in stdin format and second in arg format, e.g.:

echoe "1 2 3\n4 5 6" | bashml mult 2,3,4


Computes the inverse of a matrix, e.g.:

echoe "3 3.5\n3.2 3.6" | bashml invert


transposes a matrix, e.g.:

echoe "3 3.5\n3.2 3.6" | bashml transpose


Portable equivalent to shuf. Randomizes order of lines passed on stdin.

echoe "1\n2\n3" | shufg


Portable equivalent to bc. Performs floating point arithmetic based on specified precision. Will use bc internally if available.

echo "scale=2;1.2/5.6" | bcg


Portable equivalent to diff. Computes diff between content passed as stdin and files passed as only argument.

cat file1 | bashml diffg file2 && "echo files are the same"

General Notes

The eliminate and identity commands are used internally by the invertcommand and should not be used directly.

Calculations are by default done with a precision of 10 decimal points. To increase or decrease the precision set the environment variable BC_PRECISION. For example:

$ export BC_PRECISION=3
$ cat data/cases_distance.dat | bashml ols $(cat data/cases_distance_time.dat | arg)


$ export BC_PRECISION=20
$ cat data/cases_distance.dat | bashml ols $(cat data/cases_distance_time.dat | arg)

As you can see from this example, setting the precision too low can have drastic effects on the results as you are not just setting the precision of the final output, but the precision of all internal calculations.

Platform Notes


On MacOS it should work as is with the default bash shell. It does not work with the sh shell. No additional setup is needed.


On Ubuntu Linux it should work as is with the default bash shell. It does not work with the sh shell. No additional setup is needed.


On OpenWrt bash is not available by default but ash is compatible and should be used instead. It requires changing the shebangs on the scripts as follows:

sh "\/bin\/sh"
export SHEBANG="/bin/sh"


On Android in the ADB shell bash is not available but the default sh is compatible. It requires changing the shebangs on the scripts as follows:

sh "\/system\/bin\/sh"
export SHEBANG="/system/bin/sh"


On Windows the easiest way to get started is to install Git-bash. No additional setup is needed, when in the git-bash shell.


On RaspberryPi with Raspbian (tested with stretch and buster on Pi 3 Model B+ and Zero v1.3) it should work as is with the default bash shell. No additional setup is needed.


To run the regression tests after setup run:


Debugging and Tracing

Full tracing may be turned on with the environment variable


Tracing may also be turned on for individual scripts in the scripts directory, e.g.


Minimal Installs

If library foorprint is a concern each model can be used separately and only its dependencies need to be pushed to the device. The bin and script directories are needed for all commands, but the data and test directories are only needed for testing. All commands need the bcg script. In addition the model dependencies with footprint are as follows:

  • mlr 6320 bytes (ols,earg,dot,eliminate,identity,etranspose,invert,mult,transpose)
  • dt 5572 bytes (entropy,gain,maxgain,id3)
  • rf 7936 bytes (dt,shufg,rfp,rft)
  • lr 2304 bytes
  • ql 2689 bytes

Installation and Distribution

To stage the scripts on the target platform there are a couple of scripts to help with installation and distribution. By running:


This will create an installer in the dist directory. Now a web server can be started to host the installer with:

./ <PORT>

Note, this server requires python3 but has no other dependencies.

At this point, you can install bashml on a target device with:

curl -s http(s)://<HOST>:<PORT>/ | bash

The installation does not install any packages, but simply unbundles the self-contained installer script into the bashml scripts locally. The only dependency of the installer itself is bash (and curl, if executed as above). The installer will also, when run, create a .env file that can be sourced to set up the path to the bashml installation.

Selective Installs

If you don't want to install all models on the target platform you can choose to only download and install a selection. To only provide the MLR model in the installer you can run:


The following selective installs are currently supported:


If ENABLE_ALL is set to yes (default) all models will be included in the installer.


  • Can we build a simple neural network with backpropagation using this technique too, or at least execute a pre-learned NN?
  • Can we make performance optimization, e.g. dot product caching?
  • How do we allow federated learning on top of the models to distribute the learning?
  • Standardize the model format so that learning can be done with another framework
  • Python equivalent companion to train models to be executed by bashML


BashML is a Machine Learning library developed entirely in bash



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