offers an easy to use declarative API with type-safe labels for building and using Prometheus metrics.
It doesn't replace the official Prometheus client
but adds a wrapper on top of it.
is built for developers who like type safety, navigating the code using IDEs and using a “find usages”
functionality, making refactoring and debugging easier at the cost of performance and writing slightly more verbose code.
Main motivation for this library was to have type-safety on the Prometheus labels, which are
just a map[string]string
in the original library, and their values can be reported even
without mentioning the label name, just relying on the order they were declared in.
For example, it replaces:
httpReqs := prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "http_requests_total",
Help: "How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method.",
[]string{"code", "method"},
// ...
httpReqs.WithLabelValues("404", "POST").Add(42)
var metrics = struct{
Reqs func(labels) prometheus.Counter `name:"requests_total" help:"How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method."`
type labels struct {
Code int `label:"code"`
Method string `label:"method"`
gotoprom.MustInit(&metrics, "http")
// ...
metrics.Reqs(labels{Code: 404, Method: "POST"}).Inc()
This way it's impossible to mess the call by exchanging the order of "POST"
& "404"
Define your metrics:
var metrics struct {
SomeCounter func() prometheus.Counter `name:"some_counter" help:"some counter"`
SomeHistogram func() prometheus.Histogram `name:"some_histogram" help:"Some histogram with default prometheus buckets" buckets:""`
SomeHistogramWithSpecificBuckets func() prometheus.Histogram `name:"some_histogram_with_buckets" help:"Some histogram with custom buckets" buckets:".01,.05,.1"`
SomeGauge func() prometheus.Gauge `name:"some_gauge" help:"Some gauge"`
SomeSummaryWithSpecificMaxAge func() prometheus.Summary `name:"some_summary_with_specific_max_age" help:"Some summary with custom max age" max_age:"20m" objectives:"0.50,0.95,0.99"`
Requests struct {
Total func(requestLabels) prometheus.Count `name:"total" help:"Total amount of requests served"`
} `namespace:"requests"`
type requestLabels struct {
Service string `label:"service"`
StatusCode int `label:"status"`
Success bool `label:"success"`
Initialize them:
func init() {
gotoprom.MustInit(&metrics, "namespace")
Measure stuff:
metrics.Requests.Total(requestLabels{Service: "google", StatusCode: 404, Success: false}).Inc()
By default, only some basic metric types are registered when gotoprom
is intialized:
You can extend this by adding more types, for instance, if you want to observe time and want
to avoid repetitive code you can create a prometheusx.TimeHistogram
package prometheusx
import (
var (
// TimeHistogramType is the reflect.Type of the TimeHistogram interface
TimeHistogramType = reflect.TypeOf((*TimeHistogram)(nil)).Elem()
func init() {
gotoprom.MustAddBuilder(TimeHistogramType, RegisterTimeHistogram)
// RegisterTimeHistogram registers a TimeHistogram after registering the underlying prometheus.Histogram in the prometheus.Registerer provided
// The function it returns returns a TimeHistogram type as an interface{}
func RegisterTimeHistogram(name, help, namespace string, labelNames []string, tag reflect.StructTag) (func(prometheus.Labels) interface{}, prometheus.Collector, error) {
f, collector, err := prometheusvanilla.BuildHistogram(name, help, namespace, labelNames, tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return func(labels prometheus.Labels) interface{} {
return timeHistogramAdapter{Histogram: f(labels).(prometheus.Histogram)}
}, collector, nil
// TimeHistogram offers the basic prometheus.Histogram functionality
// with additional time-observing functions
type TimeHistogram interface {
// Duration observes the duration in seconds
Duration(duration time.Duration)
// Since observes the duration in seconds since the time point provided
type timeHistogramAdapter struct {
// Duration observes the duration in seconds
func (to timeHistogramAdapter) Duration(duration time.Duration) {
// Since observes the duration in seconds since the time point provided
func (to timeHistogramAdapter) Since(duration time.Time) {
So you can later define it as:
var metrics struct {
DurationSeconds func() prometheusx.TimeHistogram `name:"duration_seconds" help:"Duration in seconds" buckets:".001,.005,.01,.025,.05,.1"`
func init() {
gotoprom.MustInit(&metrics, "requests")
And use it as:
// ...
defer metrics.DurationSeconds().Since(t0)
// ...
If you don't like the default metric builders, you can replace the DefaultInitializer
with your own one.
Obviously, there's a performance cost to perform the type-safety mapping magic to the original Prometheus client's API.
In general terms, it takes 3x to increment a counter than with vanilla Prometheus, which is around 600ns (we're talking about a portion of a microsecond, less than a thousandth of a millisecond)
$ go test -bench . -benchtime 3s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkVanilla-4 10000000 387 ns/op
BenchmarkGotoprom-4 5000000 1049 ns/op
ok 10.611s
In terms of memory, there's a also a 33% increase in terms of space, and 3x increase in allocations:
$ go test -bench . -benchmem
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkVanilla-4 5000000 381 ns/op 336 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkGotoprom-4 1000000 1030 ns/op 432 B/op 6 allocs/op
ok 3.369s
This costs are probably assumable in most of the applications, especially when measuring network accesses, etc. which are magnitudes higher.