The goal of this project is to offer a convenient way to produce dsl via kotlin classes. The project is not a fork but it's largely inspired by this one. Thanks to him.
The following link is a documentation used by the creation of this project.
This project provide also a convenient way to execute the script produced with the dsl syntax.
Please feel free to use it as you want.
// the simple annotation AutoDsl will create automatically the builder and the function to use your dsl
// here, there is also the parameter "builderAnnotations" which allow to add a personnal annotation on the class
// it can be useful with some framework like spring
@AutoDsl(builderAnnotations = ["com.darwinit.annotation.demo.Dummy"])
open class Person (val name: String,
val age: Int,
// notice that the type is java.lang.UUID
val uuid: UUID,
val friends: List<Person>)
// will gives this class
// notice, the @Builder annotation is automatically added, but the @Dummy come from the parametrization
class PersonAutoBuilder {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
// the uuid in the builder is not exaclty the same since we want our users
// use String instead more complex type as UUID
var uuid: String = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
var friends: List<Person> = emptyList()
// at the build method level, we can see the transformation automatically in UUID from string
// all of this is possible, thanks to the configuration file describe later in this document
fun build(): Person = Person(name=name,age=age,uuid=UUID.fromString(uuid),friends=friends)
// the function person will allow to use the dsl
fun person(block: PersonAutoBuilder.() -> Unit): Person = PersonAutoBuilder().apply(block).build()
// amazing, it works also with inheritance
@AutoDsl(functionName = "overrideSuperPerson")
// with the parameter functionName we can choose the name of the function (normally it's based on the classname
open class SuperPerson (name: String,
age: Int,
uuid: UUID,
friends: List<Person>,
val attribute: String): Person(name, age, uuid, friends)
// will gives
class SuperPersonAutoBuilder {
var attribute: String = ""
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
var uuid: String = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
var friends: List<Person> = emptyList()
fun build(): SuperPerson =
// see here the custom function name
fun overrideSuperPerson(block: SuperPersonAutoBuilder.() -> Unit): SuperPerson =
"transformers": [
"comment_1": "if a property of the source class is a java.util.UUID",
"class": {
"package": "java.util",
"name": "UUID"
"comment_2": "please use the following class",
"substitutionClass": {
"package": "kotlin",
"name": "String"
"comment_3": "with this default value",
"default": "\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"",
"comment_4": "and transform it like this",
"value": "UUID.fromString(%property%)",
"imports": [
"comment_5": "don't forget to import the class type in the parametrization since it's used on the line value",
"package": "java.util",
"name": "UUID"
❗ the "comment_*" properties are not really part of the configuration, there are just there to add comments in json file
This project allows also the execution of script kotlin.
First you need a file named javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory in the classpath of your application to follow JSR233 specifications. This file is a simple file with a simple content.
// execution of the script
// the list of hooks is to specify that we wan to call container.add method with all the persons created in the script.
// that's the way to retrieve the information
val scriptHooks= mutableListOf(ScriptHook("container", "add", patterns = arrayOf("person")))
// prepare the runner
val runner=ScriptRunner(ScriptRunner.Script("path/to/the/script",
// we don't have top level in our script
val container = mutableListOf<Any>()
// run the script with the binding **container** for the variable **container**"container", "MutableList<Any>", container)))
// we can see that the person is well retrieved inside
assertThat((container[0] as Person).name).isEqualTo("John")
assertThat((container[0] as Person)"London")
// here a script to execute on the runner
person {
name = "John"
age = 15
address {
street = "Main Street"
number = 12
city = "London"
- square/kotlinpoet#236