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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 8, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Setup aws

Install aws cli tool and configure with bytabit access key id, secret key, region 'us-east-1', default output 'json'.

$ brew install awscli
$ aws configure

Setup Terraform

Install terraform if not already installed.

$ brew install terraform

If this is the first time you've used terraform for this project, init project, select and refresh workspaces.

$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform workspace select regtest
$ terraform refresh
$ terraform workspace select test
$ terraform refresh

Build Application

Build and zip application jar and it's dependencies and store on aws S3. For now manually set version (eg. v0.4.0).

$ ./gradlew buildZip # to build the application jar 
$ aws s3 cp build/distributions/ s3://bytabit-serverless/v0.4.0/

Deploy Application with Terraform

In order to deploy the application APIs select the workspace (regtest or test) and apply the terraform config files.


$ cd terraform
$ terraform workspace select regtest
$ terraform apply -var="app_version=0.4.0" # manually set version, see above


$ cd terraform
$ terraform workspace select test
$ terraform apply -var="app_version=0.4.0" # manually set version, see above

Verify Application is Deployed

$ curl get
$ curl get