I've created a public github repository from which the engine can be obtained.
Assuming one has git installed, on the command line one could obtain a clone via
%> git clone http://github.com/bvoight/mr_predictor
MR_predictor requires:
- PERL (tested with v5.10.1)
- The Math::Random package (tested with v0.71)
To install, one could:
A. Install via CPAN (assuming this is active)
make install GROMMEL/Math-Random-0.71.tar.gz
One may need root access to install. Alternatively, specify a local directory for the installation.
download http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GROMMEL/Math-Random-0.71.tar.gz
installation (without root access)
perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=~/bin/Perllibs
make test
make install
- Then setup your .bash_profile to look in the correct directory, e.g.
set PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$HOME/bin/Perllibs/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
export PERL5LIB
The package comes with a file (cmdline) which gives the example of usage.
If everything is working properly, after downloading the git repository and installing required packages, you should be able to invoke:
%> ./cmdline
which will generate a simulated data set based on the included sample files.
I will endeavor to keep a running list of changes that come in, but may not immediate get to fixing them instantly!