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Vulkan timeline semaphore + async compute performance sample


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This sample provides a concrete example of how timeline semaphores and asynchronous compute-only queues can be used to speed up a heterogeneous compute/graphics Vulkan application.

Build and Run

Clone next to this repository (or pull latest master if you already have it)

mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. # Or use CMake GUI

If there are missing dependencies (e.g. glfw), run git submodule update --init --recursive --checkout --force in the nvpro_core repository.

Then start the generated .sln in VS or run make -j.

Run vk_timeline_semaphore or ../../bin_x64/Release/vk_timeline_semaphore.exe

Timeline Semaphore Summary

Please skip this section if you are already familiar with timeline semaphores and their benefits over binary semaphores.

VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore introduces a new type of semaphore that has more functionality over the default "binary" semaphore introduced in the original Vulkan. This feature is core in Vulkan 1.2, although it requires the timelineSemaphore feature.

The original binary semaphore has only two states: signaled and unsignaled, and two possible operations: signalling it upon the completion of a queue submit, and waiting on it (device-side) before starting a pending queue submit (implicitly resetting the semaphore to the unsignaled state). This causes some limitations:

  • If the user recycles a binary semaphore, they should take care that the semaphore strictly alternates between being signalled and being waited on (i.e. that the producer does not "overshoot" and signal the semaphore again before the consumer waits and resets the semaphore).

  • The implicit unsignal operation makes it impossible to use a single binary semaphore to unblock two queues at once (e.g. graphics and compute both waiting for the same transfer command to finish).

Furthermore, the spec requires that before submitting any work that waits on a binary semaphore, the work that signals said semaphore must be submitted first. These limitations generally have the consequence of making it cumbersome to implement fine-grained dependencies with binary semaphores.

Instead of only having 1 bit of state, timeline semaphores have an internal 64-bit unsigned integer counter. Each signal and wait operation requires an additional 64-bit unsigned parameter, which

  • for signals, indicates the new value to set the counter to, subject to the restriction that this value must be strictly greater than the semaphore's value at the time the signal operation executes.

  • for waits, indicates the minimum value of the timeline semaphore such that the waiting operation may proceed.

This makes timeline semaphores a natural choice for expressing fine-grained producer/consumer dependencies: because the wait only requires a minimum value to proceed, and the value strictly increases, there is no "overshoot" risk of the kind that binary semaphores have.

Further features of timeline semaphores include:

  • Timeline semaphores may also be signalled and waited on by the host, taking the place of fences and events.

  • Timeline semaphores do not have any restrictions on the order that dependent work is submitted. Of course, you still risk resetting the GPU if you introduce circular dependencies, or introduce an extreme delay between submitting dependent work, and submitting its dependencies.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, timeline semaphores cannot be used to synchronize with the swapchain. Thus most Vulkan programs cannot standardize completely on timeline semaphores.


As a stand-in for the sort of heterogenous work a Vulkan application may need to synchronize, the sample implements an approximate implicit surface renderer using the marching cubes algorithm. Understanding the details of the algorithm is not neccessary to understand the synchronization this is demonstrating; in summary, the steps are:

  1. Generating a 3D sample grid of values by evaluating a scalar equation F(x,y,z) at each coordinate. This is done by compute shader, with the results stored to a VkImage with VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D.

  2. Generating a vertex buffer by having a compute shader analyze each cubical "cell" of 8 neighboring samples. The compute shader outputs triangles for each cell where samples transition from positive to negative, thus approximating the implicit F(x,y,z)=0 boundary between the positive and negative regions.

  3. Using a graphics pipeline to draw the generated triangles.

Synchronization is needed between each step. Furthermore, this algorithm is very memory intensive – both the 3D image and vertex buffer take up huge amounts of VRAM – so to render at a good resolution, we will have to split the model into chunks, and perform these steps separately for each chunk. This requires an additional synchronization from step 3 to step 1, so that the computed results aren't overwritten before they are fully drawn (i.e. to resolve the WAR hazard).

Visualization of model split into 4×4×4 grid of chunks Visualization of model split into 4×4×4 grid of chunks

One way to implement this would be to submit commands for all three steps to a single GCT queue (graphics/compute/transfer), inserting pipeline barriers for synchronization. The downsides to this approach are:

  • Since there is only one queue being used, the device work completely drains at each barrier, with no alternative work to do to alleviate this waste.

  • We will see later on that the graphics work in this sample is very light in terms of SM usage; the device is seriously underutilized when working solely on step 3.

A better alternative would be to move steps 1 and 2 to a dedicated compute queue, and use timeline semaphores to handle the RAW hazard (steps 2 to 3) and WAR hazard (steps 3 to 1). The theoretical benefits of this are

  • We still have a pipeline barrier from step 1 to step 2; the dip in compute utilization will not completely bring the device to 0 utilization since the separate graphics queue's work can "fill in the gap" (although the lightness of this work somewhat limits this effect).

  • The compute work can proceed in parallel with the graphics work and take advantage of the SMs that the graphics work underutilizes.

Later we will see how these theoretical benefits translate to actual better performance.


In the code, the data structure that holds the 3D image and vertex buffer used for communicating between the steps of the marching cubes algorithm is called McubesChunk, implemented in mcubes_chunk.cpp. We allocate on startup a pool of MCUBES_CHUNK_COUNT-many such structures, held in g_mcubesChunkArray. We treat this array as a ring buffer, picking the next in the buffer each time we record a new command to fill or draw an McubesChunk instance.

The central function to look at for this sample is computeDrawCommandsTwoQueues in timeline_semaphore_main.cpp, which does the task of recording and submitting the compute and graphics commands for a frame. To keep the focus on timeline semaphores, the details for these commands are moved to compute.cpp and graphics.cpp.

We've allocated two timeline semaphores: s_computeDoneTimelineSemaphore, for resolving the RAW hazard (compute queue produced vertex buffer → graphics queue draw) and s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore for resolving the WAR hazard (graphics queue done drawing → compute queue refills). This is done with the same vkCreateSemaphore API, but with an additional VkSemaphoreTypeCreateInfo on the pNext chain.

// Allocate the timeline semaphores; initial value 0. Need extension struct for this.
VkSemaphoreTypeCreateInfo timelineSemaphoreInfo = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_CREATE_INFO, nullptr,
                                                   VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE, 0};
VkSemaphoreCreateInfo     semaphoreInfo         = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_CREATE_INFO, &timelineSemaphoreInfo};
NVVK_CHECK(vkCreateSemaphore(g_ctx, &semaphoreInfo, nullptr, &s_computeDoneTimelineSemaphore));
NVVK_CHECK(vkCreateSemaphore(g_ctx, &semaphoreInfo, nullptr, &s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore));

NOTE: Read this file alone to eliminate horizontal scrolling.

These semaphores are passed as parameters of a VkQueueSubmit in the same way as binary semaphores, except that there is an additional VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo extension struct to provide the array of 64-bit counter value parameters.

uint64_t                      computeWaitTimelineValue = 0, computeSignalTimelineValue = 0;
uint64_t                      graphicsWaitTimelineValue = 0, graphicsSignalTimelineValue = 0;
VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo computeTimelineInfo = {
    &computeWaitTimelineValue,  // Compute queue waits for /at least/ this timeline semaphore value of
    1,                          // s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore (semaphore set below).
// ...
// analagous for graphicsTimelineInfo
VkSubmitInfo computeSubmitInfo  = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO,
                                  &computeTimelineInfo,  // Extension struct
                                  &s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore,  // Compute waits for graphics queue
                                  &computeStage,                     // Waits for semaphore before starting compute

Once the model is subdivided into chunks, the list of chunks to draw is divided into batches of up to pGui->m_batchSize chunks each. This is the amount of work that one compute or one graphics command buffer will do. Each batch compute/graphics submit increments the values of the corresponding timeline semaphore (orchestrated by the s_upcomingTimelineValue variable), so, the batch size in some sense is the granularity of synchronization.

The pattern for the RAW synchronization (compute → graphics) is straightforward: the graphics command buffer submitted for a batch waits on the s_computeDoneTimelineSemaphore value set by the compute command buffer for the same batch. So, the graphics work for a batch can proceed immediately after the compute work for the batch is complete.

computeSignalTimelineValue = s_upcomingTimelineValue;
NVVK_CHECK(vkQueueSubmit(g_computeQueue, 1, &computeSubmitInfo, VkFence{}));
// Recall computeSignalTimelineValue is pointed-to by VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo, above.
// ...
graphicsWaitTimelineValue = s_upcomingTimelineValue;
// ...
NVVK_CHECK(vkQueueSubmit(g_gctQueue, 1, &graphicsSubmitInfo, VkFence{}));

The pattern for the WAR synchronization (graphics → compute) is a bit more interesting. We need to record, for each McubesChunk, when it will be fully drawn and ready for recycling. So, each time an McubesChunk is used in a graphics batch, we record the value that s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore will be set to by the signal operation of that batch. This is stored in McubesChunk::timelineValue.

Then, when recording the newer compute batch, for each McubesChunk selected for use, we have to wait for s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore to reach the value recorded in McubesChunk::timelineValue; more optimally, we just have to wait for the maximum McubesChunk::timelineValue of all McubesChunk instances selected.

Setting McubesChunk::timelineValue

// Graphics commands.
for(uint32_t localIndex = 0, paramIndex = batchStart; paramIndex < batchEnd; ++paramIndex, ++localIndex)
  // Record the s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore value for this McubesChunk that indicates readiness for recycling.
  chunkPointerArray[localIndex]->timelineValue = s_upcomingTimelineValue;
// ...
graphicsCmdDrawMcubesGeometryBatch(batchGraphicsCmdBuf, batchEnd - batchStart, chunkPointerArray, /* ... */);
// ...
graphicsSignalTimelineValue = s_upcomingTimelineValue;
NVVK_CHECK(vkQueueSubmit(g_gctQueue, 1, &graphicsSubmitInfo, VkFence{}));

Waiting on maximum McubesChunk::timelineValue value

// Record compute commands.
// We also keep track of the s_graphicsDoneTimelineSemaphore value that these compute commands
// need to wait on (to safely recycle the McubesChunk).
for(uint32_t localIndex = 0, paramIndex = batchStart; paramIndex < batchEnd; ++paramIndex, ++localIndex)
  computeWaitTimelineValue = std::max(computeWaitTimelineValue, chunkPointerArray[localIndex]->timelineValue);
computeCmdFillChunkBatch(batchComputeCmdBuf, batchEnd - batchStart, chunkPointerArray, &paramsList[batchStart]);
// recall computeWaitTimelineValue is pointed-to by computeTimelineInfo (VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo).

NOTE: We use timelineValue = 0 as a safe value for McubesChunk instances that have never been drawn as x >= 0 for all possible unsigned timeline semaphore values x.

The s_computeDoneTimelineSemaphore only handles the execution order dependency. We still need a pipeline barrier to handle the memory dependency (in hardware terms, flushing caches, etc.). This is the command executed in the graphics command buffer for each batch, before any McubesChunk-drawing commands.

// Ensure memory dependency resolved between upcoming compute command and upcoming graphics commands.
// This is separate from (and an additional requirement on top of) the execution dependency
// handled by the timeline semaphore.
// No queue ownership transfer -- using VK_SHARING_MODE_CONCURRENT.
VkMemoryBarrier computeToGraphicsBarrier = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_BARRIER, nullptr, VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT,
                                            VK_ACCESS_INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT};
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(batchGraphicsCmdBuf, computeStage, readGeometryArrayStage, 0, 1, &computeToGraphicsBarrier, 0,
                     0, 0, 0);

Note that this is not just a theoretical concern! The author failed to include this barrier at first, and experienced sporadic corruption.

We do not need a memory barrier for the other direction (graphics to compute WAR hazard) because we are going to overwrite the McubesChunk contents anyway.

For comparison, an implementation using only one queue and pipeline barriers is in the computeDrawCommandsGctOnly function in timeline_semaphore_main.cpp.

Note that for both the computeDrawCommandsTwoQueues and computeDrawCommandsGctOnly code path, we are using a separate submitFrame function to do the task of acquiring/submitting swap chain images, and copying the drawn image to the swap chain. As mentioned before, this must still use binary semaphores, and hence, the programmer must follow its in-order submisison requirements and ensure that all command buffers for the frame have already been submitted. This is simple for this sample, but more care would need to be taken if some command recording were moved to another thread.

There are some debug views for visualizing the chunking and batching algorithm.

First, we can visualize how chunks are packed into batches; all chunks in a given batch use the same color: chunks colored by batch

Contrast with the view if the batch size is reduced to 2 chunks: chunks colored by batch

Second, we can color based on the physical McubesChunk instance used to draw each chunk. Each instance is assigned a unique color: chunks colored by McubesChunk instance used

Observe how multiple different chunks can be in the same color. This indicates that we've successfully recycled McubesChunk instances in a single frame, and the lack of corruption suggests the data hazards were properly resolved.


On a release build running on Ubuntu 18.04 and an RTX 3090, we are getting around 230 FPS with the default settings, compared to around 200 FPS with the async compute queue disabled (toggle with c key).

We can take a look at what's really going on using Nsight Graphics GPU Trace.

With the async compute queue disabled, we see: GCT-queue only GPU Trace

Paying attention to the "SM Occupancy" row, we see that there are periodic dips in utilization, corresponding to the graphics work of each batch.

Color Key for SM Occupancy Color key for SM Occupancy

When we enable the async compute queue, we see: GCT-queue only GPU Trace

The SM occupancy in this case is not perfect either, but is a serious improvement over using only one queue: we can see that the (orange) compute work is proceeding more smoothly, and has successfully been overlapped with the (blue) graphics shader work.

Note: On some older versions of Nsight Graphics, timeline semaphore synchronization is mislabelled as fence synchronization.


Thank you to Christoph Kubisch for spotting the missing memory barrier, Neil Bickford for edits and review.


Copyright 2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0. See "LICENSE" file for details.


Vulkan timeline semaphore + async compute performance sample







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