Helm Chart AppVersion and Chart version updater DroneCI Plugin
Env Variable | Description | Required | Default |
PLUGIN_SSH_URL | Repository SSH URL | Yes | |
PLUGIN_SSH_KEY | SSH Private Key | Yes | |
PLUGIN_NAME | Git user name | Yes | |
PLUGIN_EMAIL | Git user email | Yes | |
PLUGIN_IMAGE_TAG | New image tag | Yes | |
PLUGIN_CHART_PATH | Helm Chart path | Yes | |
PLUGIN_DEBUG | Enable debug mode | No | false |
PLUGIN_TEST | Enable test mode | No | false |
PLUGIN_SSH_FOLDER | Git SSH Folder | No | /root/.ssh |
PLUGIN_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE | SSH PK file name | No | /root/ssh/id_rsa |
PLUGIN_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE | SSH Known Hosts file name | No | /root/ssh/known_hosts |
docker run \
-e PLUGIN_SSH_URL="[email protected]:myuser/my-argocd-tracked-helm-chart-repo" \
-e PLUGIN_SSH_KEY="myPrivateSshKey"
-e PLUGIN_NAME="myname surname" \
-e PLUGIN_EMAIL="[email protected]" \
-e PLUGIN_IMAGE_TAG="a1b2c3d4" \
-e PLUGIN_CHART_PATH="charts/mychart" \
--rm -it burakince/helm-chart-appversion-updater
Drone CI or Woodpecker CI Plugin Usage
You can use it with your Gitea git server as below.
kind: pipeline
name: default
- name: update-chart-appversion
image: burakince/helm-chart-appversion-updater:1.1.0
pull: if-not-exists
ssh_url: "[email protected]:myuser/my-argocd-tracked-helm-chart-repo"
from_secret: ssh_key
name: "myname surname"
email: "[email protected]"
image_tag: "${DRONE_COMMIT:0:7}"
chart_path: "charts/mychart"
Pleae install BATS package to your system with the following command.
brew install bats-core
And you can use the following command to run all tests under test folder.
bats test