I published a library recently that didn't get nearly as many followers as expected.
A person of lesser hubris might have assumed that the library was was less useful than they initially assumed. Luckily I didn't make this false assumption...
The problem was that there aren't enough tweets when Node.js packages are published or updated
bunto-tweets is an open-source twitter bot that tweets as packages are updated on bunto.isc:
I've open-sourced npm-tweets so that anyone can easily setup an npm Twitter Bot.
Creating the Bot:
var BuntoTweets = require('npm-tweets').BuntoTweets;
buntoTweets = new BuntoTweets({
consumer_key: 'CONSUMER_KEY',
consumer_secret: 'CONSUMER_SECRET',
access_token_key: 'TOKEN_KEY',
access_token_secret: 'TOKEN_SECRET',
filter: function(package){ return package.name === 'npm-tweets'; }
Copyright (c) 2011 Benjamin Coe See LICENSE.txt for further details.