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amysql Build Status Test Status

amysql implements (a subset of) the MySQL/MariaDB client protocol based on asyncnet and asyncdispatch.

amysql implements both the text protocol (send a simple string query, get back results as strings) and the binary protocol (get a prepared statement handle from a string with placeholders; send a set of value bindings, get back results as various datatypes approximating what the server is using).

amysql implements async connection pool(amysql/async_pool) and a threaded pool(amysql/db_pool).


Compile flags

async macro:

chronos use its own async macro will conflicts with std async macro , use this flag if your project use chronos.  

socket io:
const ReadTimeOut {.intdefine.} = 30_000
const WriteTimeOut {.intdefine.} = 60_000  

idle check:
const TestWhileIdle* {.booldefine.} = true
const MinEvictableIdleTime {.intdefine.} = 60_0000
const TimeBetweenEvictionRuns {.intdefine.} = 30_000  

const mysql_compression_mode {.booldefine.} = false
const ZstdCompressionLevel {.intdefine.} = 3

const ResetConnection* {.booldefine.} = true # reset session when reuse 


The goals of this project are:

  1. Similar API to Nim's std db lib
  2. Async: All operations must be truly asynchronous whenever possible.
  3. High performance: Avoid unnecessary allocations and copies when reading data.
  4. Managed: Managed code only, no native code.
  5. Independent: This is a clean-room reimplementation of the MySQL Protocol, not based on C lib.



open connection by passing host, username, password, database
last optional parameter is connectAttrs: Table[system.string, system.string]

let conn = await"localhost:3306",username,password,database)
await conn.close()

open connection by passing dsn

let conn = await"mysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}?charset=utf8mb4,utf8&sql_mode=TRADITIONAL")
await conn.close()

open connection pool

import amysql/async_pool
import amysql
var pool = await newAsyncPool(host,
let conIdx = await pool.getFreeConnIdx()
let conn = pool.getFreeConn(conIdx)
let insrow = await conn.prepare("insert into `num_tests` (s, u8, s8, u, i, b) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
discard await conn.query(insrow, "one", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
discard await conn.query(insrow, "max", 255, 127, 4294967295, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807'u64)
discard await conn.query(insrow, "min", 0, -128, 0, -2147483648, (-9223372036854775807'i64 - 1))
discard await conn.query(insrow, "foo", 128, -127, 256, -32767, -32768)
await conn.finalize(insrow)


get current database

await conn.getCurrentDatabase()

select database

await conn.selectDatabase()

exec and query

rawQuery api return every row in form seq[string]

query api return every row in variant bounded types

  ColumnDefinition* {.final.} = object 
    catalog*     : string
    schema*      : string
    table*       : string
    origTable*  : string
    name*        : string
    origName*   : string
    charset*      : int16
    length*      : uint32
    columnType* : FieldType
    flags*       : set[FieldFlag]
    decimals*    : int
  ResultSet*[T] {.final.} = object 
    status*     : ResponseOK
    columns*    : seq[ColumnDefinition]
    rows*       : seq[seq[T]]

rawQuery and rawExec returns Future[ResultSet[system.string]] , rawExec has empty rows.

discard await conn.rawExec("drop table if exists num_tests")

rawQuery has optional parameter onlyFirst:bool which determine whether only fetch first row.

let r1 = await conn.rawQuery("select s, u8, s8, u, i, b from num_tests order by u8 asc")

prepare query returns Future[amysql.SqlPrepared] which can be used with query multiple times, after query executed don't forget call conn.finalize(sqlPrepared)

let insrow = await conn.prepare("insert into `num_tests` (s, u8, s8, u, i, b) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
discard await conn.query(insrow, "one", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
discard await conn.query(insrow, "max", 255, 127, 4294967295, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807'u64)

await conn.finalize(insrow)

Retrieves a single row

let r5 = await conn.getRow(sql"select s, u8, s8, u, i, b from num_tests order by u8 asc")
check r5 == @["min", "0", "-128", "0", "-2147483648", "-9223372036854775808"]

executes the query and returns the first column of the first row

checkpoint "getValue"
let r6 = await conn.getValue(sql"select s, u8, s8, u, i, b from num_tests order by u8 asc")
check r6 == "min"

column types

float and double

discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE `float_test`(`fla` FLOAT,`flb` FLOAT,`dba` DOUBLE(10,2),`dbb` DOUBLE(10,2))")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO `float_test` values (?,?,?,?)")
discard await conn.query(insrow, 1.2'f32, 1.2'f32, 1.2'f64, 1.2'f64)
await conn.finalize(insrow)


import times
discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE test_dt(col DATETIME NOT NULL)")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test_dt (col) VALUES (?),(?),(?)")
let d1 = initDateTime(1,1.Month,2020,10,10,10,utc())
let d2 = initDateTime(1,1.Month,2020,4,40,10,utc())
let d3 = initDateTime(1,1.Month,2020,18,10,10,utc())
discard await conn.query(insrow, d1, d2, d3)
await conn.finalize(insrow)


discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE test_dt(col TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test_dt (col) VALUES (?),(?),(?)")
let d1 = initDateTime(1,1.Month,2020,10,10,10,utc())
let d2 = initDateTime(1,1.Month,2020,4,40,10,utc())
let d3 = initDateTime(1,1.Month,2020,18,10,10,utc())
discard await conn.query(insrow, d1.toTime, d2.toTime, d3.toTime)
await conn.finalize(insrow)


discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE test_dt(col DATE NOT NULL)")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test_dt (col) VALUES (?),(?)")
let d1 = initDate(1,1.Month,2020)
let d2 = initDate(31,12.Month,2020)
discard await conn.query(insrow, d1, d2)
await conn.finalize(insrow)


import times  
discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE test_dt(start_at TIME,end_at TIME)")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test_dt (start_at,end_at) VALUES (?,?)")
let d1 = initDuration(hours=8)
let d2 = initDuration(hours=10)
discard await conn.query(insrow, d1, d2)
await conn.finalize(insrow)


import json
discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE test_dt(col JSON)")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test_dt (col) VALUES (?),(?)")
let d1 = parseJson("""
"name": "Nimmer",
"age": 21
let d2 = parseJson("[1, 2, 3, 4]")
discard await conn.query(insrow, d1, d2)
await conn.finalize(insrow)

# Read them back using the text protocol
let r1 = await conn.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM test_dt")
# mysql return `{"age": 21, "name": "Nimmer"}`
# $d1 return `{"name":"Nimmer","age":21}`
check r1.rows[0][0] == conn.sqlFormat(d1)
check r1.rows[1][0] == conn.sqlFormat(d2)


discard await conn.rawQuery("CREATE TABLE geotest (g GEOMETRY)")

# Insert values using the binary protocol
let insrow = await conn.prepare("INSERT INTO geotest (g) VALUES (?)")
let d1 = newMyGeometry(data)

discard await conn.query(insrow, d1)
await conn.finalize(insrow)

# Now read them back using the binary protocol
let rdtab = await conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM geotest")
let r2 = await conn.query(rdtab)
check r2.rows[0][0] == d1

await conn.finalize(rdtab)

load data from csv

const CreateTable = """
   `fname` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   `lname` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
const EnableLocalInfileData = "SET GLOBAL local_infile = true"
discard await conn.tryQuery(SqlQuery EnableLocalInfileData)
discard await conn.rawQuery(CreateTable)
let filename = currentSourcePath.parentDir / "localinfile.csv"
let r = await conn.rawQuery(fmt"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{filename}' INTO TABLE person")


platform: Linux and OSX

mysql: 5.7 8.0

mariadb: 10


  • Finish caching_sha2_password_auth.
  • Testing ssl mode ,unix socket mode.
  • mutiple statements and mutilple resultsets.
  • compression mode (zstd)
  • handle connection options




tulayang's asyncmysql and mysqlparser




When I starting this project, I have wiml/nim-asyncmysql and asyncmysql for inspiration, the initial goal is provide basic asynchronous apis compare to Nim std library db_mysql's synchronous apis, asyncmysql provide mutiple results feature and callback style apis by design, he map mysql protocol flags to exact to c types, wiml/nim-asyncmysql provide asynchronous apis and map flags to enum type and the project design is very obvious to me, so I choose base on wiml/nim-asyncmysql.

When this project ready to use, it provide single statement and single results, I starting considering provide compression api, at that time data recevie as string and passing around procs, I starting store data to seq[char] as I dont want decompress data and passing around procs, and it also help me move next step, implements multiple results feature. Compare to asyncmysql ,asyncmysql use a constant size array buffer to store data, I may change as it so in the future.

Above declaration may not explain "Why this project exists ?", here's some key points.

When I starting this project asyncmysql and wiml/nim-asyncmysql have no commits activities for years. wiml/nim-asyncmysql even can't compile for current Nim version.

  1. db_mysql provide synchronous apis and need external c library.
  2. asyncmysql provide callback style apis.
  3. wiml/nim-asyncmysql satisify the design, but need update to current Nim version, more column data type mapping, more features , more client capbilities.


Async MySQL Connector write in pure Nim.





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