These docs use Slate to convert markdown files into the Bullhorn Rest API Docs Site.
You're going to need:
- Linux or OS X — Windows may work, but is unsupported.
- Ruby, version 1.9.3 or newer
- Bundler — If Ruby is already installed, but the
command doesn't work, just rungem install bundler
in a terminal.
# either run this to run locally
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server
# OR run this to run with vagrant
vagrant up
You can now see the docs at http://localhost:4567. Whoa! That was fast!
Now that Slate is all set up your machine, you'll probably want to learn more about editing Slate markdown, or how to publish your docs.
Import Code Generation.postman_collection.json
to postman
Paste in your current documentation to pre-request scripts (or specify the new entity)
View your postman console to copy the new documentation