How do different compiler flags lead to different optimizations and performance results?
- Write a simple program with two loops.
- The architecture is pinned, but we can eventually try on different machines.
- The version of g++ is important - to start we will pin with my host (and then vary)
- Create a container with some version of g++ (as stated we can eventually vary)
- We need to programatically derive flags.
- Once we have flags, we need to randomly choose a set, compile, and save if it worked, and how fast it runs.
- Try different models to select for flags that work, and record time on successful run!
For the last point, the easiest thing to do is have the script time itself.
- In this directory includes to generate compiler flags to use across different analyses.
- simple: includes my first attempts at a montecarlo and tabu search
- association-analysis/montecarlo: was a second shot to choose groups of flags
- association-analysis/hill-climb: was another effort to try and distinguish the impact of each flag, and add a more substantial linking of flags with tokens.
- association-analysis/tokens: tokenizes the example scripts.
$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python gen g++
Will generate filtered data/gpp_flags.json
important the first two times I ran monte carlo and the tabu search I included warnings, and later removed these. The original data (suffix _warnings.json) is included in the data folder.