Core MCM - Map Clean Merge
MCM has two main peices, a reader and a mapper.
- Reader
- Reads csv files, returns a generator of DictCSVReader parsed rows.
- Optionally chunks the rows into groupings of specified sizes.
- Mapper
- Can build a probabalistic column mapping given a schema and some raw data.
- Will substitute saved values for suggested mapping (e.g. pulling a previous mapping from DB).
- Totally flexible, you pass a callable which takes the raw data and returns a mapping.
- Will clean data based on a Cleaner object for a given type. Type is inferred from the mapping schema.
- Ability to set "initial_data"
- If you always need to set some information in the object that you're mapping data into, this is useful.
- Concatenate rows together with a specified delimiter character.
- Data which doesn't match a given schema's mapping is still saved. It's put in a dictionary called
- Can build a probabalistic column mapping given a schema and some raw data.
Once it's hosted on Pypi:
pip install mcm
from mcm import cleaners, mapper, reader
# Here our mapping is just a dictionary where our keys are raw data representations
# and our values are our normalized attributes that we're mapping to.
mapping = {'Thing': 'thing_1', 'Other thing': 'thing_2'}
# model_class can be any type of object.
model_class = object
# Reading and mapping from a CSV file, simple case.
parser = reader.MCMParser(csv_file_handle)
mapped_objs = [m for m in parser.map_rows(mapping, model_class)]
- Clone.
- Create a virtualenv; if you use virtualenv wrapper you'll need to
- Run
python develop
to hardlink your files into your env.
- Run
Unfortunately, there are some directory path issues still baked in.
To run tests you have to be in the tests
$ flake8 mcm --exclude=data
$ cd mcm/tests && nosetests