Terragrunt scripts for easily launching multiple android emulator instances in gcp with a CSV.
This is very much a proof of concept and builds off of several other open source projects. The bash scripts are fragile but work well enough for demoing. Not suitable for any production environment.
The project uses the Infrastructure as Code solution, Terraform to spin up the necessary cloud resources and manage their configurations. To minimize the amount of template code Terragrunt is used to build common variables across different cloud providers. Included in the repo is a simple CSV parser that passes the necessary values to Terragrunt and stores the config files in a project folder.
To successfully run these scripts you will need
- A GCP Account
- Terragrunt v0.36.7 or newer
- Google CLI Terraform Plugin v4.26.0 or newer cli
The instructions for installing terragrunt can be found here. The GCP plugin will be installed when terragrunt init
is run after the project folder is made.
Once Terragrunt and gcloud cli are installed on your system. You can download the Terragrunt dependencies with the commands.
cd ./gcp
terraform init
The terraform files used to spin up each instance are located in templates/gcp
. Enter you GCP credentials in the gcp_variables.tf
file or create your own terraform.tfvars
file and add it to the folder.
To change the default emulator settings, change the values in the emu_docker_vars.tf
To change the instance or container variables edit the emu_docker_vars.tf
The main value proposition of Terragrunt is being able to easily launch and manage multiple Terraform projects. Combined with a simple CSV parser this makes it easy to launch multiple instances with different configurations using just a CSV. If you're more interested in creating a single instance check out the android-emulator-terraform project.
To launch an instance with terragrunt pass a CSV file to the CSV parser with the command
CSV_parser.sh gcp_sample.CSV
The CSV_parser.sh
* script needs just 3 columns launch an instance
- Instance CPU
- Instance RAM
- Cloud Service Provider
To use a TSV or another type of file you can pass the delimeter as the second argument.
CSV_parser.sh gcp_sample.tsv $'\t'
The CSV file can be used to configure the type of instance, emulator, system image, and AVD thats being used. Sample CSV files are included in the repo but for a complete set of possible columns read the descriptions in the emu_docker_vars.tf
Note: The CSV parser script is built using vanilla bash/awk and may not handle certain edge cases very well.
if the CSV file doesn't contain the column instance_name then the number of vCPUs and RAM (GB) can be used to find an instance. The script selects the first instance name that is a match but the find_instance_name.sh script can be used to explore the different types of instances in gcp. The instance_regex column can also be used to select a specific instance type from the list.
The CSV parser script only needs 3 columns to work; the instance CPU, RAM, and provider. With this the script can select an instance and launch the benchmarks with the default variable values in benchmark_vars.tf. Additional columns can be added to configure Terragrunt variables or for logging in the settings.txt
file of each benchmark directory.
To enable a new Terraform variable add the variable definition to the benchmark_vars.tf file and include the variable name as a column in the CSV file. The CSV script will assign each row's value to the variable matching the name of the added column.
Below are a list of column definitions for the CSV parser script.
CPU: "[required] Number of vCpus an instance should have. Not required if instance_name is set. "
RAM: "[required] Amount of RAM an instance should have. Not required if instance_name is set. "
instance_name: "[required] the type of instance you'd like to run the benchmarks on. This value is used across templates to assign the type of instance used.",
instance_regex: "Regex for selecting an instance_name for a provider from a list of possible instances. Useful for filtering down to a family of instances, like bare metal.",
id: "Unique identifier added to folders to prevent duplicates",
After the parser is launched it will create a new directory for each row in your CSV, using the column names provided for the name. For example a row with the kvm set to true and an instance that has 4 cores and 16GB RAM will have the folder name gcp_kvm_true_16GB_4cores
An id
can also be added column to make identifying projects easier. In the case of duplicate configurations a number following an underscore is added to the folder name.
Once the emulator is booted, Terraform will attempt to connect to the cloud emulator with the host local adb server. Connecting via the instance public ip address to tcp port 5555.
You can install and launch these scripts with Windows Subsystem Linux. Once Terraform is installed on WSL2. You can launch the instance and connect to it from a Windows host adb server by changing the adb_keys
and adb_path
variables to...
variable "adb_keys" {
description = "path to the folder containing the adb keypair to use with the container and VM"
type = string
default = "/mnt/c/Users/<windows_username>/.android"
variable "adb_path" {
description = "path of adb executable to use"
type = string
default = "/mnt/c/Users/<windows_username>/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb.exe" #changed from "adb"
This assume that adb is installed in the default location on the host. In general as long as the script has access to the local adb keys and executable, the local adb server should be able to connect.
If the connection fails the host can connect with any adb instance as long as it has access to the adbkeys and the ip address. By default Terraform will upload the host's adb keys and use them for the cloud emulator. For convienence the keys are also downloaded the gcp folder as adbkey
and adbkey.pub
by default.
To prevent unexpected charges, the script shuts down the VM after its detected that the emulator has been idle for more than 5 minutes. The allowed idle time duration can be changed with the suspend_minutes
variable, to disable this feature entirely set auto_suspend
to false. Before shutting down the instance will save a snapshot, the snapshot will automatically be loaded once the VM is restarted.
To restart the instance after its been shut down use the command
terraform apply -replace="null_resource.gcp_restart" -var="restart=true"
this will restart the instance and relaunch the emulator with the snapshot loaded.
If the instance has already been restarted once set restart to false and before trying again.
terraform apply -replace="null_resource.gcp_restart" -var="restart=false" -auto-approve &&
terraform apply -replace="null_resource.gcp_restart" -var="restart=true"
To tear down an instance cd to the project folder and use the command
terraform destroy -var-file="gcp_vars.tfvars"
To tear down all cloud resources for all projects cd to the root folder of the repo and enter the command.
terragrunt destroy-all -var-file="gcp_vars.tfvars"
If the default setup doesn't fit your needs, the script is pretty easily configurable via the emu_docker_vars.tf
variable "instance_type" {
description = "cloud provider instance type"
type = string
default = "c2-standard-4"
variable "image_regexp" {
description = "regexp to select image for docker container"
type = string
default = "P.*x86_64"
variable "adb_keys" {
description = "path to the folder containing the adb keypair to use with the container and VM"
type = string
default = "~/.android/"
variable "adb_path" {
description = "path of adb executable to use"
type = string
default = "adb"
variable "auto_suspend" {
type = bool
default = true
description = "Suspend VM after startup"
variable "suspend_time" {
type = number
default = 5
description = "Number of minutes to let VM run before suspending"
variable "auto_destroy" {
type = bool
default = false
description = "Terraform will destroy all cloud resources after all scripts are done running"
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