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Book-sharing platform built with React.js, Node.js and Firebase.


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BOOKIO | Free book-sharing made easy

An endeavour for the Interaction Programming and Dynamic Web course, 2019 at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

BOOKIO is a book-sharing platform where any logged in user can lend out or give away a book for free. The platform requires the visitor to create a user profile, such that people have an idea whom they are interacting with. Users can create a post for renting out, or giving away, their book(s) and provide details such as time and location of pick-up. For an improved user experience, the user can search for a book using the Goodreads API. When a title is selected, the name of the author and the ratings the book got on Goodreads will be associated with it. The user can provide pictures of the book, as well as the pick up location and a descprition or recommendation. The application has a full-text search functionality, and the book overview page allows filtering by type.

User instructions

The website's latest build is available here: BOOKIO.

In order to be able to interact with the website, one has to create a user account. An account can either be made by using an email and password combination (which has to be verified) or by logging in to Facebook.
Once the user has been authenticated, the user has access to the add books page as well as a personal account page, and he or she can make requests, .

What we have done


  • Sign in/up Page
  • Password Forgot Page
  • Books Overview Page
  • Book Detail Page
  • Add Book Page
  • Requests/History Page
  • Account Page
    • Find back/change password, delete account, etc
    • Upload Avatar


  • Full design for desktop.
  • Full design for mobile.


Used frameworks and services

  • Node application
  • React as front-end framework
  • Redux for state management
  • SCSS for styling
  • Firebase as backend for authentication, media and the books database (Firestore)
  • Algolia: syncs with Firestore for full-text search and fast filtering
  • Some custom components like Dropdown, Button are created.
  • Google Maps API
  • Facebook API

Project file structure

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Any files belonging to Create React App will not be explained here.


  • `.env'
    In this file we store all our API keys and environment variables.

  • index.js
    The root JS file of the project. In this file, all pages are loaded and react-router-dom is used to render the pages based on the URL. Also, the Redux store as well as the Firebase context are provided to the app in this file.


  • /Account
    This folder contains four React components (Avatar.js, DefaultLoginToggle, DeleteAccount and LoginManagement) that take care of displaying authUser information on the account page. This folder also contains a stylesheet _Avatar.scss).
  • /AddNewBookFor
    This folder contains two React components (AddNewBookForm.js, DragAndDrop.js and Titleform.js) that allow the user to add a new book. This folder also contains two stylesheets (_AddNewBookForm.scss, _DragAndDrop.scss).
    • /Algolia
      Some Algolia endpoints are defined in index.js.
  • /Authentication
    This folder contains all React components that take care of user authentication, which include (PasswordForget.js, SignIn.js, SignOut.js, and SignUp.js). This folder also contains some stylesheets (_Authentication.scss, _PasswordForget.js, _SignIn.scss, _SignOut.scss and _SignUp.scss).
  • /BookItem
    This folder contains the BookItem.js React Component. This is a presentational component that displays a book item. The _BookItem.scss is the stylesheet associated with it.
  • /Books
    This folder contains components for the book overview page (FilterGroup.js, RatingStars.js, SearchResults.js, UserLable.js) and two stylesheets (_SearchResults.scss and _UserLabel.scss)
  • /BrandLogo
    This folder contains the BrandLogo.js React Component. This is a presentational component that displays the brand logo. The _BrandLogo.scss is the stylesheet associated with it.
  • /Button
    This folder contains the Button.js React Component. This is a presentational component that displays button; it has the _BrandLogo.scss stylesheet associated with it.
  • /Dropdown
    This folder contains the Dropdown.js React Component, which is a reusable dropdown component. It has the _Dropdown.scss stylesheet associated with it.
  • /Firebase
    This folder contains three files (firebase.js, index.js and context.js) and takes care of communication with the backend of our application. We created a withReact.js HOC that uses the React Context to enable the component that it encapsulates to use the Firebase functions.
  • /Footer
    This folder contains the Footer.js React component and a stylesheet associated with it (_Footer.js).
  • /GoogleMap
    This folder contains the GoogleMap.js React component, which renders a Google Map retrieved via the Google Maps API.
  • /History
    This folder contains components for the History page (ItemInfo.js and RequestMessage.js), as well as a stylesheet (_HistoryComponents.sss).
  • /Loader
    This folder contains a standard Loader.js React component and a stylesheet association with it (_Loader.scss).
  • /Navbar
    This folder contains the Navbar.js React component and a stylesheet association with it (_Navbar.scss).
  • /Pagination
    This folder contains the Pagination.js React component and a stylesheet association with it (_Pagination.scss).
  • /PasswordChange
    This folder contains the PasswordChange.js React component and a stylesheet association with it (_PasswordChange.scss).
  • /Search
    This folder contains the Search.js React component and a stylesheet association with it (\Search.scss).
  • /Session
    This folder contains files that take care of handling the user session. It contains three HOCs: withAuthentication.js, withAuthorization.js and withEmailverification.js, as well as a stylesheet (_Session.scss).


  • fa.js
    This file contains all the Font Awesome icons used in the app.
  • routes.js
    This file contains all routes constants.


  • locationHelper.js
    Helper for doing location and distance calculations.
  • storageHelper.js
    Helper for storing data in Firebase.
  • utils.js
    This file contains util functions.
  • validationHelper.js
    This file contains helper functions for validation.


  • index.js
    We use React Hooks. In this file we define all our custom React hooks.

Folder containing static images.

We decided to have a distinction between components and pages. Pages can consist of multiple components. The filename of the page should be self-explanatory.

  • AccountPage.js (with _AccountPage.scss)
  • AddNewBookPage.js(with _AddNewBookPage.scss)
  • BookDetail.js(with _BookDetail.scss)
  • BooksPage.js(with _BooksPage.scss)
  • EditProfilePage.js(with _EditProfilePage.scss)
  • HistoryPage.js(with _HistoryPage.scss)
  • HomePage.js(with _HomePage.scss)
  • PasswordForgetPage.js
  • SettingsPage.js
  • SignInPage.js
  • SignUpPage.js

We use Redux for the state management of our app. The structure of the folders is the standard best-practice structure for Redux.

  • index.js
  • actions/
  • constants/
  • reducers/
  • store/


  • style.scss
    In this file we bundle all stylesheets, both the component/page specific and generic stylesheets.

  • includes/
    The includes folder contains several files and sub-folders. These can be roughly divded in a base stylesheet and variables stylesheets.

    • variables/
    • \_base.scss
    • \_variables.scss