OAuth2 Provider implementation modules and helpers using plug
, ecto
and postgres
for any elixir
The package can be installed as:
Add authable to your list of dependencies in
:Only for ecto versions > 2.0
def deps do
[{:authable, "~> 0.9.1"}]
- Add authable configurations to your
Important: You should update Authable.Repo
with your own repo!
config :authable,
ecto_repos: [Authable.Repo],
repo: Authable.Repo,
expires_in: %{
access_token: 3600,
refresh_token: 24 * 3600,
authorization_code: 300,
session_token: 30 * 24 * 3600
grant_types: %{
authorization_code: Authable.GrantType.AuthorizationCode,
client_credentials: Authable.GrantType.ClientCredentials,
password: Authable.GrantType.Password,
refresh_token: Authable.GrantType.RefreshToken
auth_strategies: %{
headers: %{
"authorization" => [
{~r/Basic ([a-zA-Z\-_\+=]+)/, Authable.Authentication.Basic},
{~r/Bearer ([a-zA-Z\-_\+=]+)/, Authable.Authentication.Bearer},
"x-api-token" => [
{~r/([a-zA-Z\-_\+=]+)/, Authable.Authentication.Bearer}
query_params: %{
"access_token" => Authable.Authentication.Bearer
sessions: %{
"session_token" => Authable.Authentication.Session
scopes: ~w(read write session),
renderer: Authable.Renderer.RestApi
If you want to disable a grant type then delete from grant types config.
If you want to add a new grant type then add your own module with `authorize(params)` function and return a `Authable.Model.Token` struct.
- Add database configurations for the
on env config files:
Important: You should update Authable.Repo
with your own repo!
config :authable, Authable.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "",
password: "",
database: "",
hostname: "",
pool_size: 10
- Run migrations for Authable.Repo (Note: all id fields are UUID type):
Important: You should update Authable.Repo
with your own repo!
mix ecto.migrate -r Authable.Repo
- You are ready to go!
Please refer to hex docs for each module, function details and samples https://hexdocs.pm/authable.
Authable supports 3 main authentication types by default using Plug.Conn
. You can add or remove authentication types using configuration. On successful authentication, resource owner automatically set on conn.assigns[:current_user]
Sessions. Reads session for configured
keys and passes to the matched authenticator to authenticate. -
Query Params. Reads query params for configured
keys and passes to the matched authenticator to authenticate. -
Headers. Reads headers for configured
keys and passes to the matched authenticator to authenticate.
Configure your application OAuth2 scopes on configuration. Then add import Authable.Plug.Authenticate
with scopes into your controller.
defmodule SomeModule.AppController do
use SomeModule.Web, :controller
plug Authable.Plug.Authenticate, [scopes: ~w(read write)]
def index(conn, _params) do
# access to current user on successful authentication
# ...
# current_user = conn.assigns[:current_user]
defmodule SomeModule.AppController do
use SomeModule.Web, :controller
plug Authable.Plug.Authenticate, [scopes: ~w(read write)] when action in [:create]
def index(conn, _params) do
# anybody can call this action
# ...
def create(conn, _params) do
# only logged in users can access this action
# ...
# current_user = conn.assigns[:current_user]
# if you need to allow a resource only unauthorized then
defmodule SomeModule.AppController do
use SomeModule.Web, :controller
plug Authable.Plug.UnauthorizedOnly when action in [:register]
def register(conn, _params) do
# only not logged in user can access this action
# ...
On failure of authentication, authable renders as a RestApi json format, if you need to change the format file you need to implement the behaviour of Authable.Renderer
and then change the renderer
Currently, authable library supports by default authorization code
, client credentials
, password
, and refresh token
OAuth2 authorizations. You can add or remove grant types using configuration.
To authorize a client for resources, all you need to do is calling OAuth2.authorize
method with necessary params, on successful authorization Authable.Model.Token
struct will return, on failure {:error, errors, http_status_code}
# For authorization_code grant type
"grant_type" => "authorization_code",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"client_secret" => "Wi7Y_Q5LU4iIwJArgqXq2Q",
"redirect_uri" => "http://localhost:4000/oauth2/callbacks",
"code" => "W_hb8JEDmeYChsNfOGCmbQ",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# For client_credentials grant type
"grant_type" => "client_credentials",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"client_secret" => "Wi7Y_Q5LU4iIwJArgqXq2Q",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# For password grant type
"grant_type" => "password",
"email" => "[email protected]",
"password" => "12345678",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# For refresh_token grant type
"grant_type" => "refresh_token",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"client_secret" => "Wi7Y_Q5LU4iIwJArgqXq2Q",
"refresh_token" => "XJaVz3lCFC9IfifBriA-dw",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# You can adjust token expiration durations from configuration.
Authorizing client may mean installing client or giving permission to a client to make OAuth2 Authorization requests and allowing resources with selected scopes. To authorize a client for a resource owner, you need to call OAuth2.authorize_app
Authable.OAuth2.authorize_app(user, %{
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"redirect_uri" => "http://localhost:4000/oauth2/callbacks",
"scope" => "read,write"
To change models, you have two options:
- You may change the module name from configuration,
- You may copy Authable.Model.XXX and update it on your app.
To run tests, jump into authable directory and run the command:
mix test
Fork the project
Make your improvements and write your tests.
Make a pull request.
Authable is an extensible module, you can create your strategy and share as hex package(Which can be listed on Wiki pages).
- HMAC Auth will be added as a new external strategy