wscraper.js is a web scraper agent written in node.js and based on cheerio.js a fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery; It is built on top of request.js and inspired by http-agent.js;
There are two ways to use wscraper: http agent mode and local mode.
In HTTP Agent mode, pass it a host, a list of URLs to visit and a scraping JS script. For each URLs, the agent makes a request, gets the response, runs the scraping script and returns the result of the scraping. Valid usage is:
// scrape a single page from a web site
var agent = wscraper.createAgent();
agent.start('', '/finance', script);
// scrape multiple pages from a website
wscraper.start('', ['/', '/finance', '/news'], script);
The URLs should be passed as an array of strings. In case only one page needs to be scraped, the URL can be passed as a single string. Null or empty URLs are treated as root '/'. Suppose you want to scrape from website the stocks price of the following companies: Apple, Cisco and Microsoft.
// load node.js libraries
var util = require('util');
var wscraper = require('wscraper');
var fs = require('fs');
// load the scraping script from a file
var script = fs.readFileSync('/scripts/googlefinance.js');
var companies = ['/finance?q=apple', '/finance?q=cisco', '/finance?q=microsoft'];
// create a web scraper agent instance
var agent = wscraper.createAgent();
agent.on('start', function (n) {
util.log('[wscraper.js] agent has started; ' + n + ' path(s) to visit');
agent.on('done', function (url, price) {
util.log('[wscraper.js] data from ' + url);
// display the results
util.log('[wscraper.js] current stock price is ' + price + ' USD');
// next item to process if any;
agent.on('stop', function (n) {
util.log('[wscraper.js] agent has ended; ' + n + ' path(s) remained to visit');
agent.on('abort', function (e) {
util.log('[wscraper.js] getting a FATAL ERROR [' + e + ']');
util.log('[wscraper.js] agent has aborted');
// run the web scraper agent
agent.start('', companies, script);
The scraping script should be pure client JavaScript, including JQuery selectors. See cheerio.js for details. I should return a valid JavaScript object. The scraping script is passed as a string and usually is read from a file. You can scrape different websites without change any line of the main code: only write different JavaScript scripts. The scraping script is executed in a sandbox using a separate VM context and the script errors are caught without crash of the main code.
At time of writing, website reports financial data of public companies as in the following html snippet:
<div id="price-panel" class="id-price-panel goog-inline-block">
<span class="pr">
<span id="ref_22144_l">656.06</span>
By using JQuery selectors, we design the scraping script "googlefinance.js" to find the current value of a company stocks and return it as a text:
$ -> is the DOM document to be parsed
result -> is the object containing the result of parsing
result = {};
price = $('').find('').children().text();
result.price = price;
// result is '656.06'
Sometimes, you need to scrape local html files without make a request to a remote server. Wscraper can be used as inline scraper. It takes an html string and a JS scraping script. The scraper runs the scraping script and returns the result of the scraping. Valid usage is:
var scraper = wscraper.createScraper();, script);
Only as trivial example, suppose you want to replace the class name of
// load node.js libraries
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var wscraper = require('wscraper');
// load your html page
var html = fs.readFileSync('/index.html');
// load the scraping script from a file
var script = fs.readFileSync('/scripts/replace.js');
// create the scraper
var scraper = wscraper.createScraper();
scraper.on('done', function(result) {
// do something with the result
scraper.on('abort', function(e) {
util.log('Getting error in parsing: ' + e)
// run the scraper, script);
By using JQuery selectors, we design the scraping script "replace.js" to find the
$ -> is the DOM document to be parsed
result -> is the final JSON string containing the result of parsing
use var js-obj = JSON.parse(result) to get a js object from the json string
use JSON.stringify(js-obj) to get back a json string from the js object
result = {};
var imgs = $('img.MyPhotos').toArray();
$.each(imgs, function(index, elem) {
var parentdiv = $(elem).parent();
var newdiv = $('<div class="Hidden"/></div>');
result.replaced = $.html() || '';
Happy scraping!